February 2024 Provider Newsletter


AdministrativeCommercialFebruary 1, 2024

Appropriate 911/emergency care procedures

Education & TrainingCommercialJanuary 12, 2024

Resources to support diverse patients and communities

Education & TrainingMedicaidJanuary 9, 2024

Rescheduling missed appointments

Policy UpdatesMedicaidJanuary 12, 2024

Lab testing reminder

Policy UpdatesMedicare AdvantageJanuary 18, 2024

Clinical Criteria updates — September 2023

Policy UpdatesMedicaidJanuary 17, 2024

Clinical Criteria updates — September 2023

Medical Policy & Clinical GuidelinesMedicaidJanuary 3, 2024

Carelon Medical Benefits Management, Inc. updates

Prior AuthorizationMedicare AdvantageNovember 15, 2023

Prior authorization requirement changes effective May 1, 2024 

Prior AuthorizationMedicare AdvantageNovember 15, 2023

Prior authorization requirement changes effective May 1, 2024 

Prior AuthorizationMedicare AdvantageNovember 8, 2023

Prior authorization requirement changes effective May 1, 2024 

PharmacyMedicare AdvantageJanuary 18, 2024

RETRACTED: Expansion of specialty pharmacy precertification list

Quality ManagementMedicaidFebruary 1, 2024

Improving Hispanic heart health

Quality ManagementCommercialFebruary 1, 2024

Improving Hispanic heart health

Quality ManagementMedicare AdvantageFebruary 1, 2024

Improving Hispanic heart health


AdministrativeCommercialFebruary 1, 2024

Appropriate 911/emergency care procedures

Emergency services are services provided in or out of the service area in connection with the initial treatment of a medical or psychiatric emergency and are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

A member who considers a medical or psychiatric condition to be an emergency should be instructed to call 911 or go to the nearest hospital emergency room immediately. Anthem Blue Cross covers emergency services that are necessary to screen and stabilize a condition. No authorization or pre-certification is needed if the member reasonably believes that an emergency medical or psychiatric condition exists. A member should be directed to call the Member Services/Customer Service telephone number on the back of their Anthem ID card with any questions.

An emergency is an unexpected acute illness, injury, or medical or psychiatric condition that could endanger health if not treated immediately. Examples of medical/psychiatric emergencies include:

  • Severe pain
  • Chest pains
  • Heavy bleeding
  • Sudden weakness or numbness of the face, arm, or leg on one side of the body
  • Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
  • Sudden loss of consciousness
  • Active labor
  • Attempted suicide
  • Suicidal/homicidal ideation
  • Acute psychosis
  • Hazardous drug reactions/interactions

California law requires a health plan to provide coverage for emergency services to screen and stabilize a condition unless there is evidence to show that either the services were never performed or the member did not require emergency services and reasonably should have known that an emergency did not exist. Answering machine instructions and after-hours answering service staff of all HMO and PPO practitioners must direct members to call 911 or go directly to the nearest emergency room if they reasonably believe they are experiencing an emergency.

With your help, we can continually build towards a future of shared success.

Anthem Blue Cross is the trade name of Blue Cross of California. Anthem Blue Cross and Anthem Blue Cross Life and Health Insurance Company are independent licensees of the Blue Cross Association. Anthem is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc.


AdministrativeCommercialFebruary 1, 2024

CAA: Have you reviewed your online provider directory information lately?

Please review your online provider directory information on a regular basis to ensure it is correct. Access your online provider directory information by visiting anthem.com/ca/, then at the top of the webpage, select Find Care.

Submit updates and corrections to your directory information by following the instructions on the Provider Maintenance Form online. Update options include:

  • add/change an address location
  • name change
  • phone/fax number change
  • provider leaving a group or a single location
  • closing a practice location

The Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) implemented in 2021 contains a provision that requires online provider directory information be reviewed and updated as needed at least every 90 days. By reviewing your information regularly, you help us ensure your online provider directory information is current.

We share a health vision with our care providers that means real change for consumers.

Anthem Blue Cross is the trade name of Blue Cross of California. Anthem Blue Cross and Anthem Blue Cross Life and Health Insurance Company are independent licensees of the Blue Cross Association. Anthem is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc.


Digital SolutionsCommercialFebruary 1, 2024

Update: Training for digital requests for additional information (Digital RFAI)

Now accepting Medicaid and Medicare member claims

As a care provider taking advantage of digital requests for additional information (Digital RFAI), you know it is the most efficient way to send the required documentation to process your Commercial member claims. As of February, you also can receive Digital RFAI notifications for your Medicaid and Medicare member claims.

The process will not change for Medicaid and Medicare member claims. You will still follow the same fast and easy process for our Medicaid and Medicare member claims as you do for your commercial member claims. The only difference is that your Medicaid and Medicare member claims will not pend. Medicaid and Medicare member claims will deny when additional documentation is needed to process the claim.*

Notifications will remain on your dashboard for up to 30 days for pended claims as they do today and 45 days for denied claims. After that, these notifications will move to the history tab of your dashboard. Submit the documentation at your convenience (most care providers submit documents within seven to 14 days).

Your notifications will continue to arrive on your dashboard each morning, making it convenient to plan your work; no need to check your dashboard throughout the day.

* Claims for providers under pre-payment review will pend for 30 days.

Learn more!

In collaboration with Availity, we’ve developed training for your organization’s administrators about how to update the Medical Attachment registration.:

Availity administrators can use this link to register for live training or to view the training on demand.

For associates who are responsible for sending attachments, we’ve developed an enhanced training session that walks through the Attachments Dashboard and many of the unique features that make it most efficient.

Availity users with the Medical Attachments and Claims Status role assignment can use this link to register for live training, or to view the live training on-demand.

Contact Availity Customer Support at availity.com/Contact-Us or your provider relationship representative if you have any questions.

Not a Digital RFAI care provider?

If you’re not already using the Digital RFAI process and want to take advantage of faster claims processing, participation is easy.



The organization’s Availity administrator will register for Medical Attachments, which enables care provider organizations to receive notices from the payer and submit requested documents digitally.

All billing NPIs/TINs must be registered.


User roles

The Availity administrator will be required to update or add new users with these specific role assignments through Availity:

  • Claims Status
  • Medical Attachments

Enable users to view the Availity Attachment Dashboard.


Ready to go!

After the registration and user roles are completed on Availity, the Digital RFAI process is ready.

Requests will automatically appear on the Attachments Dashboard each morning (when documents are needed).

We are committed to finding solutions that help our care provider partners offer quality services to our members.

Anthem Blue Cross is the trade name of Blue Cross of California. Anthem Blue Cross and Anthem Blue Cross Life and Health Insurance Company are independent licensees of the Blue Cross Association. Anthem is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc.


Education & TrainingCommercialJanuary 12, 2024

Resources to support diverse patients and communities

We’ve heard it all our lives: To be fair, you should treat everybody the same. But the challenge is that everybody is not the same — and these differences can lead to critical disparities not only in how patients access healthcare, but their outcomes as well. The COVID-19 pandemic has reignited public attention about the serious public health risks, the consequences of disparities, and the critical need for health equity.

Health equity means everyone has the opportunity to reach their highest level of health, and barriers to doing so must be removed. Health disparities are health differences that are closely linked with social, economic, and/or environmental disadvantage.1 Achieving health equity requires focus on the elimination of barriers and disparities associated with factors such as race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, religion, socioeconomic status, disability, and even where you live.2 As a result it is imperative to offer access to care that is tailored to the unique needs of patients, and Anthem Blue Cross is committed to supporting our providers in this effort.

Cultural competency resources

Here is an overview of the cultural competency resources available on our provider website:

  • Cultural competency and member engagement:
    • A training resource to increase cultural and disability competency to help effectively support the health and healthcare needs of your diverse patients
  • Caring for Diverse Populations toolkit:
    • A comprehensive resource to help providers and office staff increase effective communication by enhancing knowledge of the values, beliefs, and needs of diverse patients
  • MyDiversePatients:
    • Offers resources, information, and techniques to help provide access to the individualized care every patient deserves regardless of their diverse backgrounds
    • Includes free continuing medical education (CME) credit for learning experiences on topics related to cultural competency and disparities
    • Free accessibility from any device (desktop computer, laptop, phone, or tablet), with no account or login required

Stronger Together is the microsite that offers free resources to support the diverse health needs of all people where they live, learn, work, and play. These resources were created in collaboration with national organizations and are available for you to share with your patients and communities.

While there is no single, easy answer to address healthcare disparities, the vision of MyDiversePatients and Stronger Together is to start reversing these trends one person at a time.

Prevalent non-English languages (based on population data)

Like you, Anthem wants to effectively serve the needs of diverse patients. It’s important for us all to be aware of the cultural and linguistic needs of our communities, so we are sharing recent data about the top 15 non-English languages spoken by 5% or 1,000 individuals in California.

Prevalent non-English languages in California by 5% or 1,000 individuals


French (incl. Cajun)



Persian (incl. Farsi, Dari)


Chinese (incl. Mandarin, Cantonese)




Tagalog (incl. Filipino)




Ilocano, Samoan, Hawaiian, or other Austronesian languages

Source: American Community Survey, 2023 American Community Survey 1-Year Estimates, Table B16001, generated July 2023.

Language support services

As a reminder, Anthem provides language assistance services for our members with limited English proficiency (LEP) or hearing, speech, or visual impairments. Please see the provider manual for details about the available resources and how to access them. In addition, the cultural competency resources shared above provide guidance on communicating and serving diverse populations effectively.

Embrace the knowledge, skills, ideals, strategies, and techniques to accelerate your journey to becoming your patients’ trusted healthcare partner by using these resources today.


  1. Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. (2022, Feb 6). Healthy People - Disparities. Retrieved from https://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/about/foundation-health-measures/Disparities.
  2. ThinkAnthem.com. (2022, Feb 7). Why We Need Health Equity. Retrieved from https://www.thinkanthem.com/health-equity/what-are-health-disparities/.

Anthem Blue Cross is the trade name of Blue Cross of California. Anthem Blue Cross and Anthem Blue Cross Life and Health Insurance Company are independent licensees of the Blue Cross Association. Anthem is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc.


Education & TrainingMedicaidJanuary 9, 2024

Rescheduling missed appointments

This is a reminder that providers are required to call to reschedule an appointment within 48 hours after a missed appointment. Please ensure your office’s policies and procedures and training are updated to include this requirement. Providers may be surveyed on a random sample to ensure compliance with this standard.

Anthem Blue Cross is the trade name of Blue Cross of California. Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Cross of California Partnership Plan, Inc. are independent licensees of the Blue Cross Association. Blue Cross of California is contracted with L.A. Care Health Plan to provide Medi-Cal Managed Care services in Los Angeles County. Anthem is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc.


Policy UpdatesMedicaidJanuary 12, 2024

Lab testing reminder


In February 2022, updates to Clinical Utilization Management (UM) Guidelines were published with an August 1, 2022, effective date. These updates included changes to clinical coding edits for the lab test indicated below.


The updated guidelines state that only medically necessary lab testing will be covered. Effective March 1, 2024, coverage for these labs will be denied unless medically necessary:

Clinical UM Guideline number/title

Clinical indications for medical necessity

MCD ENT — CG-Lab-29: Gamma Glutamyl Transferase Testing

GGT testing using blood is considered medically necessary for any of the following indications:

  1. To differentiate between sources of elevated alkaline phosphatase activity; or
  2. To evaluate liver function, injury, or disease in individuals with at least one of the following:
    1. Known or suspected hepatobiliary disease; or
    2. Alcohol use disorder; or
    3. Substance use disorder; or
    4. Therapy with medication that has potentially toxic effects on the liver; or
    5. Exposure to hepatotoxins; or
    6. Infections that may cause liver injury (for example, viral hepatitis, amoebiasis, tuberculosis, and similar infections); or
    7. Pancreatic disease; or
    8. Gastrointestinal disease; or
    9. Liver transplantation; or
    10. Primary or secondary malignant neoplasms; or
    11. Diseases or conditions known to have liver involvement (for example, diabetes mellitus, sarcoidosis, amyloidosis, disorders of iron and mineral metabolism, lupus, hypertension, heart failure).

Clinical UM Guideline number/title

Clinical indications for medical necessity

MCD ENT-CG — Lab-30: Outpatient Laboratory-based Blood Glucose Testing

Blood glucose testing is considered medically necessary for individuals who meet any of the following criteria (A through Q):

  1. Signs or symptoms of either of the following:
    1. Hypoglycemia; or
    2. Hyperglycemia; or
  2. Overweight or obesity* of any age; or
  3. From a population with a high prevalence of diabetes mellitus**; or
  4. Impaired fasting glucose has been found on other testing; or
  5. Pregnant and considered to be at high risk for type 2 diabetes mellitus; or
  6. Prior testing at least 3 months previously showed abnormal blood glucose results; or
  7. Insulin resistance syndrome; or
  8. Carbohydrate intolerance; or
  9. Hypoglycemia disorders, such as nesidioblastosis or insulinoma; or
  10. Catabolic or malnutrition states; or
  11. Tuberculosis; or
  12. Unexplained chronic or recurrent infection; or
  13. Alcohol use disorder; or
  14. Coronary artery disease; or
  15. Unexplained skin conditions (including pruritis, local skin infections, ulceration, and gangrene without an established cause); or
  16. Chronic glucocorticoid therapy; or
  17. To evaluate glycemic status for individuals with established diabetes mellitus, prediabetes, or a history of gestational diabetes when done no more often than the following test frequencies:
    1. Up to once yearly for individuals with prediabetes; or
    2. Up to two times per year for individuals with diabetes mellitus who are meeting treatment goals; or
    3. Within the first year postpartum and then up to once yearly for individuals who have had gestational diabetes.

* ADA, ACOG, and USPSTF recommendations about individuals who have overweight or obesity
** Populations with high prevalence of diabetes mellitus

What if I have questions?

Availity Chat with Payer is available during normal business hours. Get answers to your questions about eligibility, benefits, authorizations, claims status, and more. To access Availity Essentials, go to Availity.com and select the appropriate payer space tile from the drop-down. Then, select Chat with Payer and complete the pre-chat form to start your chat.

For additional support, visit the Contact Us section at the bottom of our provider's website for the appropriate contact.

Anthem Blue Cross is the trade name of Blue Cross of California. Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Cross of California Partnership Plan, Inc. are independent licensees of the Blue Cross Association. Blue Cross of California is contracted with L.A. Care Health Plan to provide Medi-Cal Managed Care services in Los Angeles County. Anthem is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc.


Policy UpdatesMedicare AdvantageJanuary 18, 2024

Clinical Criteria updates — September 2023


On September 21, 2023, and October 4, 2023, the Pharmacy and Therapeutic (P&T) Committee approved the following Clinical Criteria applicable to the medical drug benefit for Anthem Blue Cross. These policies were developed, revised, or reviewed to support clinical coding edits. 

Visit Clinical Criteria to search for specific policies. For questions or additional information, use this email.

Please see the explanation/definition for each category of Clinical Criteria below:

  • New: newly published criteria
  • Revised: addition or removal of medical necessity requirements, new document number
  • Updates marked with an asterisk (*) notate that the criteria may be perceived as more restrictive

Please share this notice with other providers in your practice and office staff.

Please note:

  • The Clinical Criteria listed below applies only to the medical drug benefits contained within the member’s medical policy. This does not apply to pharmacy services.
  • This notice is meant to inform the provider of new or revised criteria that has been adopted by Anthem only. It does not include details regarding any authorization requirements. Authorization rules are communicated via a separate notice.

Effective date

Clinical Criteria number

Clinical Criteria title

New or revised

February 19, 2024


Elrexfio (elranatamab-bcmm)


February 19, 2024


Talvey (talquetamab-tgvs)


February 19, 2024


Veopoz (pozelimab-bbfg)


February 19, 2024


Pompe Disease


February 19, 2024


Pompe Disease


February 19, 2024


Fabrazyme (agalsidase beta)


February 19, 2024


Zinplava (bezlotoxumab)


February 19, 2024


Iron Agents


February 19, 2024


Growth Hormones


February 19, 2024


Reblozyl (luspatercept)


February 19, 2024


Rebyota (fecal microbiota, live – jslm)


February 19, 2024


Natalizumab Agents (Tysabri, Tyruko)


February 19, 2024


Interleukin-1 Inhibitors


February 19, 2024


Testosterone Injectable


February 19, 2024


Beyfortus (nirsevimab)


Anthem BC Health Insurance Company is the trade name of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc. Anthem Blue Cross is the trade name of Blue Cross of California. Anthem Blue Cross, Anthem Blue Cross Life and Health Insurance Company, and Anthem BC Health Insurance Company are independent licensees of the Blue Cross Association. Anthem is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc.


Policy UpdatesMedicaidJanuary 17, 2024

Clinical Criteria updates — September 2023

On September 21, 2023, and October 4, 2023, the Pharmacy and Therapeutic (P&T) Committee approved the following Clinical Criteria applicable to the medical drug benefit for Anthem Blue Cross (Anthem). These policies were developed, revised, or reviewed to support clinical coding edits. 

Visit Clinical Criteria to search for specific policies. For questions or additional information, use this email.

Please see the explanation/definition for each category of Clinical Criteria below:

  • New: Newly published criteria
  • Revised: Addition or removal of medical necessity requirements, new document number
  • Updates Marked with an asterisk (*) notate that the criteria may be perceived as more restrictive

Please share this notice with other providers in your practice and office staff.

Please note:

  • The Clinical Criteria listed below applies only to the medical drug benefits contained within the member’s medical policy. This does not apply to pharmacy services.
  • This notice is meant to inform the provider of new or revised criteria that has been adopted by Anthem only. It does not include details regarding any authorization requirements. Authorization rules are communicated via a separate notice.

Effective date

Clinical Criteria number

Clinical Criteria title

New or revised

April 25, 2024


Elrexfio (elranatamab-bcmm)


April 25, 2024


Talvey (talquetamab-tgvs)


April 25, 2024


Veopoz (pozelimab-bbfg)


April 25, 2024


Ycanth (cantharidin)


April 25, 2024


Pompe Disease


April 25, 2024


Fabrazyme (agalsidase beta)


April 25, 2024


Zinplava (bezlotoxumab)


April 25, 2024


Iron Agents


April 25, 2024


Growth Hormones


April 25, 2024


Reblozyl (luspatercept)


April 25, 2024


Rebyota (fecal microbiota, live – jslm)


April 25, 2024


Natalizumab Agents (Tysabri, Tyruko)


April 25, 2024


Interleukin-1 Inhibitors


April 25, 2024


Testosterone Injectable


April 25, 2024


Beyfortus (nirsevimab)


Anthem Blue Cross is the trade name of Blue Cross of California. Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Cross of California Partnership Plan, Inc. are independent licensees of the Blue Cross Association. Blue Cross of California is contracted with L.A. Care Health Plan to provide Medi-Cal Managed Care services in Los Angeles County. Anthem is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc.


Medical Policy & Clinical GuidelinesMedicaidJanuary 3, 2024

Carelon Medical Benefits Management, Inc. updates

The Carelon Medical Benefits Management, Inc. Clinical Appropriateness Guidelines below have been updated. Existing precertification requirements have not changed.

Please share this notice with other members of your practice and office staff.

Effective for dates of service on and after April 14, 2024, the following updates will apply to the Carelon Medical Benefits Management, Inc. Clinical Appropriateness Guidelines for medical necessity review for Anthem Blue Cross:

  • Musculoskeletal Guidelines:
    • Interventional Pain Management
    • Sacroiliac Joint Fusion
  • Radiology:
    • Imaging of the Chest
    • Imaging of the Head and Neck
    • Imaging of the Brain
    • Oncologic Imaging
    • Imaging of the Abdomen and Pelvis
    • Imaging of the Heart
  • Radiation Oncology:
    • Proton Beam Therapy
    • Perirectal Hydrogel Spacer for Prostate Radiotherapy
  • Rehabilitation:
    • Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapies

Anthem Blue Cross is the trade name of Blue Cross of California. Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Cross of California Partnership Plan, Inc. are independent licensees of the Blue Cross Association. Blue Cross of California is contracted with L.A. Care Health Plan to provide Medi-Cal Managed Care services in Los Angeles County. Anthem is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc.


Prior AuthorizationMedicare AdvantageNovember 15, 2023

Prior authorization requirement changes effective May 1, 2024 

UPDATE: This article was originally published as being effective March 1, 2024. The effective date has been delayed to May 1, 2024.

Effective May 1, 2024, prior authorization (PA) requirements will change for the following code(s). The medical code(s) listed below will require PA by Anthem Blue Cross for Medicare members. Federal and state law, as well as state contract language and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services guidelines, including definitions and specific contract provisions/exclusions take precedence over these precertification rules and must be considered first when determining coverage. Non-compliance with new requirements may result in denied claims. 

Prior authorization requirements will be added for the following code(s):




Treatment planning for magnetic field induction ablation of malignant prostate tissue, using data from previously performed magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examination


Ablation of malignant prostate tissue by magnetic field induction, including all intraprocedural, transperineal needle/catheter placement for nanoparticle installation and int

Not all PA requirements are listed here. Detailed PA requirements are available to providers on anthem.com/ca/provider/medicare-advantage on the Resources tab or for contracted providers by accessing Availity.com. Providers may also call the number on the back of their patient’s member ID card for Provider Services for assistance with PA requirements.

UM AROW #: A2023M0443

Anthem BC Health Insurance Company is the trade name of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc. Anthem Blue Cross is the trade name of Blue Cross of California. Anthem Blue Cross, Anthem Blue Cross Life and Health Insurance Company, and Anthem BC Health Insurance Company are independent licensees of the Blue Cross Association. Anthem is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc.

CABC-CR-044234-23-CPN43832, CPN-CRMMP-049296-24

Prior AuthorizationMedicare AdvantageNovember 15, 2023

Prior authorization requirement changes effective May 1, 2024 

UPDATE: This article was originally published as being effective March 1, 2024. The effective date has been delayed to May 1, 2024.

Effective May 1, 2024, prior authorization (PA) requirements will change for the following code(s). The medical code(s) listed below will require PA by Anthem Blue Cross for Medicare members. Federal and state law, as well as state contract language and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services guidelines, including definitions and specific contract provisions/exclusions take precedence over these precertification rules and must be considered first when determining coverage. Non-compliance with new requirements may result in denied claims.

 Prior authorization requirements will be added for the following code(s):




Esano a, per square centimeter


Esano aaa, per square centimeter


Esano ac, per square centimeter


Esano aca, per square centimeter


Orion, per square centimeter


Woundplus membrane or e-graft, per square centimeter


Epieffect, per square centimeter


Xcell amnio matrix, per square centimeter


Barrera sl or barrera dl, per square centimeter


Cygnus dual, per square centimeter


Biovance tri-layer or biovance 3l, per square centimeter


Dermabind sl, per square centimeter

Not all PA requirements are listed here. Detailed PA requirements are available to providers on anthem.com/ca/provider/medicare-advantage on the Resources tab or for contracted providers by accessing Availity.com. Providers may also call the number on the back of their patient’s member ID card for Provider Services for assistance with PA requirements.

UM AROW #: A2023M0417

Anthem BC Health Insurance Company is the trade name of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc. Anthem Blue Cross is the trade name of Blue Cross of California. Anthem Blue Cross, Anthem Blue Cross Life and Health Insurance Company, and Anthem BC Health Insurance Company are independent licensees of the Blue Cross Association. Anthem is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc.

CABC-CR-044197-23-CPN43849, CPN-CRMMP-049296-24

Prior AuthorizationMedicare AdvantageNovember 8, 2023

Prior authorization requirement changes effective May 1, 2024 

UPDATE: This article was originally published as being effective March 1, 2024. The effective date has been delayed to May 1, 2024.

Effective May 1, 2024, prior authorization (PA) requirements will change for the following code(s).  The medical code(s) listed below will require PA for Anthem Blue Cross members. Federal and state law, as well as state contract language and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services guidelines, including definitions and specific contract provisions/exclusions take precedence over these precertification rules and must be considered first when determining coverage. 

Non-compliance with new requirements may result in denied claims.

Prior authorization requirements will be added for the following code(s):




Non-Thermal Pulsed High Frequency Radiowaves, High Peak Power Electrom

Not all PA requirements are listed here. Detailed PA requirements are available to providers on anthem.com/ca/provider/medicare-advantage on the Resources tab or for contracted providers by accessing Availity.com. Providers may also call the number on the back of their patient’s member ID card for Provider Services.

UM AROW #: A2023M0415

Anthem BC Health Insurance Company is the trade name of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc. Anthem Blue Cross is the trade name of Blue Cross of California. Anthem Blue Cross, Anthem Blue Cross Life and Health Insurance Company, and Anthem BC Health Insurance Company are independent licensees of the Blue Cross Association. Anthem is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc.

CABC-CR-044183-23-CPN43845, CPN-CRMMP-049296-24

PharmacyMedicare AdvantageJanuary 18, 2024

RETRACTED: Expansion of specialty pharmacy precertification list

This article was published in error and retracted on February 23, 2024. Please access the updated version here.

Effective for dates of service on and after May 1, 2024, the specialty Medicare Part B drugs listed in the table below will be included in our precertification review process.

Federal and state law, as well as state contract language and CMS guidelines (including definitions and specific contract provisions/exclusions), take precedence over these precertification rules and must be considered first when determining coverage. Noncompliance with new requirements may result in denied claims.

HCPCS or CPT® codes

Medicare Part B drugs

J3490, J3590, J9999, C9399

Elrexfio (elranatamab-bcmm)

J3490, J3590

Eylea HD (aflibercept)

J3490, J3590

Pombiliti (cipaglucosidase alfa-atga)

J3490, J3590, J9999, C9399

Talvey (talquetamab-tgvs)

J3490, J3590

Tyruko (natalizumab-sztn)

J3590, C9399

Veopoz (pozelimab-bbfg)


Ycanth (cantharidin)

Anthem BC Health Insurance Company is the trade name of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc. Anthem Blue Cross is the trade name of Blue Cross of California. Anthem Blue Cross, Anthem Blue Cross Life and Health Insurance Company, and Anthem BC Health Insurance Company are independent licensees of the Blue Cross Association. Anthem is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc.


Quality ManagementMedicaidFebruary 1, 2024

Improving Hispanic heart health

Hispanics are the largest ethnic minority group in the United States, making it vital that we recognize the unique health needs of the population. Take time in February to support American Heart Health Month and explore how your practice can help improve your Hispanic patients’ heart health.

What can your practice do to help improve health outcomes for Hispanic patients with heart disease?

  • Be proactive about asking if the patient requires interpretation services. No one wants to feel like a burden. By asking and preparing for an interpreter in advance, you are creating a welcoming atmosphere for the patient during their appointment. If you would like to request an interpreter, including sign language, on behalf of your Anthem Blue Cross patients, call Provider Services. Free interpreter services are also available to members by calling the Member's Services number on the back of their ID card (TTY/TTD 711) and through the 24/7 NurseLine.
  • According to a study by the American Heart Association (link), Hispanic persons had similar rates of heart disease compared to Caucasian adults but lower rates of awareness and control. To help increase awareness of their condition, you can ask questions such as:
    • “Have you ever been told that you have high blood pressure or high cholesterol?”
    • “Has a healthcare provider ever discussed with you or prescribed you medication to control your blood pressure or cholesterol levels?”
  • Once awareness of the condition is properly understood, educate the patient on any increased health risk factors they might have, especially if they have other conditions like diabetes or obesity.
  • Use culturally appropriate examples when discussing lifestyle changes.
  • Encourage scheduling follow-up appointments for blood pressure rechecks or lab work to check cholesterol levels before the patient leaves the office.
  • Submit all blood pressure readings using Category II codes on claims or through your practice’s preferred supplemental data submission method. Blood pressure care gaps can open and close through the year and are based on the last recorded blood pressure reading of the year. The goal for every patient is a reading below 140/90 mmHg.
  • Properly code statin therapy exclusions and prescribe low-cost medications to discourage the use of discount cards.

To learn more about our commitment to health equity, visit MyDiversePatients.com. Your patients can also learn more about the unique health needs of Hispanic persons by visiting takingactionforourhealth.org/.

Patient care opportunities

If you have questions on improving your quality scores, contact your care consultant or program manager to discuss your opportunities. You also can find patient care opportunities within the Patient360 application located on Availity Essentials Payer Spaces. To access the Patient360 application you must have the Patient360 role assignment. From Availity’s home page, select Payer Spaces, then choose the health plan from the menu. Choose the Patient360 tile from the Payer Space Applications menu and complete the required information on the screen. Gaps in care are in the Active Alerts section of the Member Summary.

What if I need assistance?

If you have questions about this communication or need assistance with any other item, contact your local provider relationship management associate or call one of our Medi-Cal Customer Care


  • Outside L.A. County: 800-407-4627
  • Inside L.A. County: 888-285-7801

Through our efforts, we can help deliver high quality, equitable healthcare.


Quality ManagementCommercialFebruary 1, 2024

Improving Hispanic heart health

Hispanics are the largest ethnic minority group in the United States, making it vital that we recognize the unique health needs of the population. Take time in February to support American Heart Health Month and explore how your practice can help improve your Hispanic patients’ heart health.

What can your practice do to help improve health outcomes for Hispanic patients with heart disease?

  • Be proactive about asking if the patient requires interpretation services. No one wants to feel like a burden. By asking and preparing for an interpreter in advance, you are creating a welcoming atmosphere for the patient during their appointment. If you would like to request an interpreter, including sign language, on behalf of your Anthem Blue Cross patients, call Provider Services. Free interpreter services are also available to members by calling the Member's Services number on the back of their ID card (TTY/TTD 711) and through the 24/7 NurseLine.
  • According to a study by the American Heart Association (link), Hispanic persons had similar rates of heart disease compared to Caucasian adults but lower rates of awareness and control. To help increase awareness of their condition, you can ask questions such as:
    • “Have you ever been told that you have high blood pressure or high cholesterol?”
    • “Has a healthcare provider ever discussed with you or prescribed you medication to control your blood pressure or cholesterol levels?”
  • Once awareness of the condition is properly understood, educate the patient on any increased health risk factors they might have, especially if they have other conditions like diabetes or obesity.
  • Use culturally appropriate examples when discussing lifestyle changes. Select here for our conversation guide for tips on how to engage patients who may be from a culture different from your own.
  • Encourage scheduling follow-up appointments for blood pressure rechecks or lab work to check cholesterol levels before the patient leaves the office.
  • Submit all blood pressure readings using Category II codes on claims or through your practice’s preferred supplemental data submission method. Blood pressure care gaps can open and close through the year and are based on the last recorded blood pressure reading of the year. The goal for every patient is a reading below 140/90 mmHg.
  • Properly code statin therapy exclusions and prescribe low-cost medications to discourage the use of discount cards.

To learn more about our commitment to health equity, visit MyDiversePatients.com. Your patients can also learn more about the unique health needs of Hispanic persons by visiting takingactionforourhealth.org/.

Patient care opportunities

If you have questions on improving your quality scores, contact your care consultant or program manager to discuss your opportunities. You also can find patient care opportunities within the Patient360 application located on Availity Essentials Payer Spaces. To access the Patient360 application you must have the Patient360 role assignment. From Availity’s home page, select Payer Spaces, then choose the health plan from the menu. Choose the Patient360 tile from the Payer Space Applications menu and complete the required information on the screen. Gaps in care are in the Active Alerts section of the Member Summary.

What if I need assistance?

If you have questions about this communication or need assistance with any other item, contact your local provider relationship management associate or call Provider Services on the back of your patient’s member ID card.

Through our efforts, we can help deliver high quality, equitable healthcare.


Quality ManagementMedicare AdvantageFebruary 1, 2024

Improving Hispanic heart health

Hispanics are the largest ethnic minority group in the United States, making it vital that we recognize the unique health needs of the population. Take time in February to support American Heart Health Month and explore how your practice can help improve your Hispanic patients’ heart health.

What can your practice do to help improve health outcomes for Hispanic patients with heart disease?

  • Be proactive about asking if the patient requires interpretation services. No one wants to feel like a burden. By asking and preparing for an interpreter in advance, you are creating a welcoming atmosphere for the patient during their appointment. If you would like to request an interpreter, including sign language, on behalf of your Anthem Blue Cross patients, call Provider Services. Free interpreter services are also available to members by calling the Member's Services number on the back of their ID card (TTY/TTD 711) and through the 24/7 NurseLine.
  • According to a study by the American Heart Association (link), Hispanic persons had similar rates of heart disease compared to Caucasian adults but lower rates of awareness and control. To help increase awareness of their condition, you can ask questions such as:
    • “Have you ever been told that you have high blood pressure or high cholesterol?”
    • “Has a healthcare provider ever discussed with you or prescribed you medication to control your blood pressure or cholesterol levels?”
  • Once awareness of the condition is properly understood, educate the patient on any increased health risk factors they might have, especially if they have other conditions like diabetes or obesity.
  • Use culturally appropriate examples when discussing lifestyle changes. Select here for our conversation guide for tips on how to engage patients who may be from a culture different from your own.
  • Encourage scheduling follow-up appointments for blood pressure rechecks or lab work to check cholesterol levels before the patient leaves the office.
  • Submit all blood pressure readings using Category II codes on claims or through your practice’s preferred supplemental data submission method. Blood pressure care gaps can open and close through the year and are based on the last recorded blood pressure reading of the year. The goal for every patient is a reading below 140/90 mmHg.
  • Properly code statin therapy exclusions and prescribe low-cost medications to discourage the use of discount cards.

To learn more about our commitment to health equity, visit MyDiversePatients.com. Your patients can also learn more about the unique health needs of Hispanic persons by visiting takingactionforourhealth.org/.

Patient care opportunities

If you have questions on improving your quality scores, contact your care consultant or program manager to discuss your opportunities. You also can find patient care opportunities within the Patient360 application located on Availity Essentials Payer Spaces. To access the Patient360 application you must have the Patient360 role assignment. From Availity’s home page, select Payer Spaces, then choose the health plan from the menu. Choose the Patient360 tile from the Payer Space Applications menu and complete the required information on the screen. Gaps in care are in the Active Alerts section of the Member Summary.

What if I need assistance?

If you have questions about this communication or need assistance with any other item, contact your local provider relationship management associate or call Provider Services on the back of your patient’s member ID card.

Through our efforts, we can help deliver high quality, equitable healthcare.
