State & FederalMedicaidAugust 1, 2020

Regulatory updates

The Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) periodically communicates information regarding interpretations or changes in policy or procedures, federal or state law, and regulations that impact the delivery of Medi-Cal Managed Care (Medi-Cal) services. The information is communicated in the form of All-Plan Letters (APLs) and Policy Letters (PLs). Anthem Blue Cross has a responsibility to communicate the various changes to our contracted providers. Below are lists of the APLs and PLs that were published since the last update.

List of new APLs

Letter number

Title (subject) of letter

Issue date

APL 20-001

2020-2021 Medi-Cal Managed Care Health Plan Meds/834 Cutoff And Processing Schedule


APL 20-002

Non-Contract Ground Emergency Medical Transport Payment Obligations


APL 20-003

Network Certification Requirements

(Supersedes APL 19-002)


APL 20-004 (Revised)

Emergency Guidance for Medi-Cal Managed Care Health Plans in Response to COVID-19


APL 20-005

Extension of the Adult Expansion Risk Corridor for State Fiscal Year 2017-18


APL 20-006

Site Reviews: Facility Site Review and Medical Record Review (Supersedes PLs 14-004 and 03-002, and APL 03-007)


APL 20-007 (Revised)

Policy Guidance for Community-Based Adult Services in Response to COVID-19 Public Health Emergency



Revised 04/13/2020

APL 20-008

Mitigating Health Impacts of Secondary Stress Due to the COVID-19 Emergency


APL 20-009

Preventing Isolation of and Supporting Older and Other At-Risk Individuals to Stay Home and Stay Healthy During COVID-19 Efforts


APL 20-010

Cost Avoidance and Post-Payment Recovery for Other Health Coverage (Supersedes PL 08-011)


APL 20-011

Governor's Executive Order N-55-20 in Response to COVID-19


APL 20-012

Private Duty Nursing Case Management Responsibilities tor Medi-Cal Eligible Members Under the Age of 21


APL 20-013

Proposition 56 Directed Payments for Family Planning Services


For copies of the APLs and PLs, please refer to the DHCS website at


If you have questions about this communication or need assistance with any other item, contact your local Medi-Cal Customer Care representative or call one of our Medi-Cal Customer Care Centers at 1-800-407-4627 (outside L.A. County) or 1-888-285-7801 (inside L.A. County).