AdministrativeCommercialAugust 28, 2020

Providers impacted by California Wildfires and Extreme Heat

In response to the fires and evacuations and extreme heat in California, Anthem Blue Cross and Anthem Blue Cross Life and Health Insurance Company (collectively Anthem) is revising its medical and pharmacy guidelines to help ensure our members and participating providers impacted by these latest events have access to essential prescription medications and other health care related services. 

Anthem is here to help our members’ find and receive care if needed during this crisis. We have encouraged our members to call 1-833-285-4030 for assistance.

Between August 18, 2020 and September 17, 2020, we are making changes for members in California who must temporarily leave their homes due to the wildfires. These changes also apply to members that live anywhere in California and are displaced by emergency.

 If an Anthem member needs health care right away


  • Members’ can receive emergency or urgent care from any doctor or hospital, even if they are not in their plan’s network. We will pay the claims as if they are in Anthem’s provider network.
  • If a member's doctor’s office or health care facility is closed because of the fires, extreme hot weather, or they are unable to travel there, the member can easily contact us for support at 1-833-285-4030. We will help them find another doctor.
  • If the member is in a care management program, the member can call 1-833-285-4030.

If an Anthem member needs a prescription refill


  • If the member’s plan covers their prescription medications, the member can receive up to a 30-day emergency refill at any pharmacy now, even if it is not in their plan’s network.
  • If the member uses Anthem’s mail-order pharmacy and their address changed, the member can call 1-833-285-4030 so we can make sure to send their medicine to the correct place.

If an Anthem member’s medical equipment is lost or damaged


  • We can help members replace their equipment (also called durable medical equipment or DME), by simply calling 1-833-285-4030.

If an Anthem member needs a pre-approval or referral


  • Anthem is allowing members and providers more time to request referrals, and obtain pre-approvals. There will not be any late fees.

If a Provider needs to file a claim


  • Providers will have more time to file claims. If the provider needs more time, an extension can be requested.

If an Anthem member needs additional support


  • Anthem’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) offers support for stress as well as resources on our website to help with legal/financial concerns and dependent care needs. The member can call the EAP crisis line 24/7 at 1-877-208-8240, or go to the website at and use the login:  EAP Can Help.

Note: As a reminder, these relaxed guidelines are in effect from August 18, 2020 through September 17, 2020, for impacted members who live in California and must temporarily leave their homes due to the wildfires. These changes also apply to members who live anywhere in California and displaced by emergency. The change in these temporary guidelines are for members with Anthem group health plans through their employers, Anthem individual and family plans and Medi-Cal. They are not for Federal Employee Health Benefit Plan (FEP®), Medicare Advantage, or Medicare Part D plans. They have their own guidelines.


If you have immediate questions in regards to member care and this notification, please contact the Provider Service phone number on the back of your patient’s ID card.  If your office has closed due to the fires please contact