State & FederalMedicaidJuly 1, 2021

Prior authorization requirement changes effective September 1, 2021 – UM AROW 1327

Effective September 1, 2021, prior authorization (PA) requirements will change for 0205U, 0209U, and 0218U. The medical codes listed below will require PA from Anthem Blue Cross for our members. Federal and state law, as well as state contract language and CMS guidelines, including definitions and specific contract provisions/exclusions, take precedence over these PA rules and must be considered first when determining coverage. Noncompliance with new requirements may result in denied claims.

PA requirements will be added to the following:

  • 0205U — ophthalmology (age-related macular degeneration), analysis of 3 gene variants (2 CFH gene, 1 ARMS2 gene), using PCR and MALDI-TOF, buccal swab, reported as positive or negative for neovascular age-related macular-degeneration risk associated with zinc supplements
  • 0209U — cytogenomic constitutional (genome-wide) analysis, interrogation of genomic regions for copy number, structural changes and areas of homozygosity for chromosomal abnormalities
  • 0218U — neurology (muscular dystrophy), DMD gene sequence analysis, including small sequence changes, deletions, duplications, and variants in non-uniquely mappable regions, blood or saliva, identification and characterization of genetic variants


To request PA, you may use one of the following methods:

  • Web:
  • Fax: 800-754-4708
  • Phone:
    • 888-831-2246 Medi-Cal Managed Care (Medi-Cal)
    • 877-273-4193 Major Risk Medical Insurance Program/Medi-Cal Access Program


Not all PA requirements are listed here. Detailed PA requirements are available to contracted providers by accessing the provider self-service tool through the Availity* Portal at or by going to the provider website at > Login. Contracted and noncontracted providers who are unable to access Availity can call one of our Medi-Cal Customer Care Centers for assistance with PA requirements:

  • 800-407-4627 (outside L.A. County)
  • 888-285-7801 (inside L.A. County).
