Behavioral HealthCommercialDecember 1, 2020

Overlapping services areas

Submission of claims in overlapping Blue Plan service areas is dependent on what plan(s) the provider contracts within that state, the type of contract the provider has for example, PPO, Traditional, etc., and the type of contract the member has with their Home Plan.


In other states, a company may carry the Blue Cross and Blue Shield name together, as a single entity. In California, there are two separate and independent Blue Cross Blue Shield companies. One is Anthem Blue Cross (Anthem), and the other is Blue Shield of California.


  • If you contract with both Plans in California, you may file an out-of-area Blue Plan member’s claim with either Plan.
  • If you contract with one Plan but not the other, file all out-of-area claims with your contracted Plan.


Use the Anthem Payer ID number that was assigned to you, not the Blue Shield of California Payer ID number. If you submit an Anthem member claim with the Blue Shield of California Payer ID number instead of the Anthem Payer ID number, the claim will process as out-of-network.
