AdministrativeCommercialApril 1, 2020

Join today! Subscribe to the Anthem Marketplace for Workers’ Compensation

As a current Anthem therapy provider, you should have received in the mail your exclusive invitation in January to subscribe to the Anthem Marketplace, powered by Transparent Health Marketplace™ (THM). This revolutionary marketplace is not like a traditional PPO, it is a connected end-to-end technology platform, which incorporates familiar ways of electronically transacting business. If you already started your subscription, we will send you an email link to make completing it a breeze! 

It is quick, easy and only takes “one click” to connect to new patients!

Subscribing is easy!  Visit us today at 
PS:  Freestanding Imaging providers’ invitations are coming soon!

With several national payor partners signed up and hundreds of providers already subscribed, the platform has experienced triple-digit growth in select California markets. Now, we are launching statewide in California.  We hope you will embrace our movement, love our platform, tell your friends and colleagues, take back control of your practice, and help us lead the transformation of the workers’ compensation system. Are you in?