CommercialMedicaidMay 1, 2023
This communication applies to Commercial and Medicaid plans from Anthem Blue Cross (Anthem) in California.
A decision-making tool for patients navigating the Medi-Cal Managed Care (Medi-Cal) renewal process.
During the COVID-19 public health emergency, nearly all Medi-Cal and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) members were able to stay enrolled in their current health coverage regardless of changes in eligibility or status. As Medi-Cal renewal starts again, your patients will have to take additional steps to keep their current coverage or find a new health plan. Many will be doing this for the first time and may need advice and support to feel confident throughout the process.
The need for reliable direction in this changing landscape
If your patients who have a Medi-Cal or CHIP plan don’t renew their benefits, or if they no longer qualify, they are at risk of losing their health coverage and the ability to stay with their current doctors and healthcare providers.
To help your patients stay covered and remain in your care, Anthem Blue Cross developed a benefits eligibility tool that helps those enrolled in Medi-Cal or CHIP check if they qualify to renew their coverage. If they no longer qualify, it directs them to coverage and benefits information.
How the decision-making tool works
Patients can visit After they fill out information such as their age, ZIP code, annual household income, and number of household members, they select Results. The next page is customized based on their responses:
- Patients who may still qualify for Medi-Cal or CHIP health benefits are directed to their state agency website to verify their eligibility.
- Patients who no longer qualify for Medi-Cal or CHIP are directed to ‑other health plan options.
The tool also provides information on additional benefits they may qualify for, such as programs that help with food, housing, and transportation costs.
We encourage you to share the website with those impacted by Medi-Cal renewal. The tool offers reassurance for those who continue to qualify for coverage, and for those who no longer qualify, guidance on other health coverage, including a Health Insurance Marketplace plan, Medicare, or employer-sponsored coverage.
Additional resources to guide your patients
To support your patients through the Medi-Cal renewal process, we’ve developed two additional resources you can share with them:
- A patient-facing sheet —
- An educational Medi-Cal renewal destination —
You and your staff can also support your patients by using the Availity Essentials* platform at to identify your Medi-Cal and CHIP patients. For a step-by-step video tutorial that walks you through how to find this information, visit
You and your patients can count on us for support
Your patients may have questions about the Medi-Cal renewal process. We want you to feel confident you have the answers and resources to guide them.
Together, we can ease your patients’ potential concerns and help make sure there are no gaps in coverage or care.
If you would like more information, contact your Provider Relationship Management representative, or call the number on the back of the member’s ID card.
* Availity, LLC is an independent company providing administrative support services on behalf of the health plan.
PUBLICATIONS: May 2023 Provider News
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