State & FederalMedicaidMay 1, 2020

Health education and cultural & linguistics update

Health education classes are available at no charge to Anthem Blue Cross (Anthem) members enrolled in Medi‑Cal Managed Care (Medi-Cal) and are accessible upon self-referral or referral by Anthem network providers. Typically, these classes take place with our hospital and community organization partners; however, one-on-one counseling with a certified health educator is also available.


Class availability varies by county. Topics include the following:

  • Asthma management
  • Childbirth/Lamaze/prenatal education
  • Diabetes management
  • Injury prevention
  • Nutrition, obesity and weight management
  • Parenting/well child
  • Smoking cessation/tobacco prevention
  • Substance use


To refer a member to a health education class, just fill out the Health Education Referral form located on the provider website:


Health education materials

Anthem has an extensive selection of health education materials in both English and Spanish for providers and members. Providers can access health education information through the provider website by selecting the Health Education Programs option in the Provider Support webpage or by following this link: Providers can also request additional health education materials through their Network Relations or Quality Management representatives:

  • Southern regional office: 1-818-291-6914
  • Central regional office: 1-559-353-3500
  • Northern regional office: 1-888-252-6331


Health education materials may be translated into additional languages upon request. They are also available in alternative formats, including Braille, large print and audio. Contact the Customer Service number on the back of the member card to request these formats. Translations and alternative formats are free of charge.

Free language assistance programs

Our members count on our providers for medical care and treatment; however, they may experience language barriers, which make it difficult to ask questions or communicate their concerns. Anthem is committed to reducing the impact of language barriers for our Medi-Cal patients to obtain language assistance. Providers must notify members of the availability of interpreter services and strongly discourage the use of friends and family, particularly minors, to act as interpreters. Under the federal guidance, published as section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act, providers are required to use qualified interpreters while interacting with members with limited English proficiency.


To obtain free interpreting services, please call one of our Medi-Cal Customer Care Centers:

  • Inside L.A. County: 1-888-285-7801 (TTY 711)
  • Outside L.A. County: 1-800-407-4627 (TTY 1-800-735-2922)


It is important that you or your office staff document the member’s language, any refusal of interpreter services, and requests to use a family member or friend as an interpreter in the member’s medical record. Request/Refusal of Interpreter Services forms are available in threshold languages on the Free Interpreting Services page of our website, located at:


During regular business hours, providers and members may contact the Medi-Cal Customer Care Center using the number located on the back of the member’s ID card. After hours, the 24/7 NurseLine is available at 1‑800‑224‑0336. When requesting interpreter assistance:

  • Give the Customer Care associate the member’s ID number.
  • Explain the need for an interpreter and the language required.
  • Wait on the line while the connection is made.
  • Once connected, the interpreter, an Anthem associate or nurse introduces the Medi-Cal member, explains the reason for the call and begins the dialogue.


Providers and members may contact the Medi-Cal Customer Care Center to schedule face-to-face interpreter services for medical appointments during regular business hours. Three business days in advanced notice is required to schedule face-to-face interpreter services. A 24-hour cancellation is required. Providers may also schedule face-to-face interpreter services by sending an email to and typing secure in the subject line. This is a secure email requiring registration.


Members with hearing or speech impairments may use the Medi-Cal Customer Care Center TTY number during regular business hours. After hours, the 24/7 NurseLine TTY number may be used. Members can also use the state relay service line by dialing 711. Customer Care Center associates can also assist non-TTY users who need to contact members who only use TTY equipment, (for example, providers needing to contact members with TTY assistive devices).


Members may request health plan materials in alternative formats such as Braille, large print, audio CD, verbal interpretations and non-English languages at no cost by contacting the Medi-Cal Customer Care Center number located on the back of their ID cards.