Products & Programs PharmacyCommercialAugust 16, 2018

Daily morphine equivalent dosing limit

Beginning with prescriptions filled on and after September 1, 2018, Anthem Blue Cross (Anthem) will apply a daily morphine equivalent dosing limit of 90mg.  This change is part of our continued efforts to help improve patient safety and reduce the misuse and abuse of opioid analgesics.


Current users of short-acting or long-acting opioid analgesics will only be impacted by this change should they have a change in their prescription requesting an increase in dosage that exceeds the new limitation.


Members with a diagnosis of cancer related pain or a diagnosis of a terminal condition, and receiving palliative care and needing short-acting or long-acting opioid analgesics, will automatically be approved through the prior authorization  process.


Please note, this update does not apply to Medicare plans. Visit the pharmacy information page for details on prior authorization criteria, or any other requirements, restrictions or limitations that may apply.


For more information, please contact the provider service number on the back of the member ID card.