CommercialJuly 1, 2020
Claims status listing and remittance inquiry updates for Atypical providers
Atypical providers may now utilize the Claims Status Listing and Remittance Inquiry tools on, Payer Spaces using a State Medicaid ID.
The Remittance Inquiry tool has been updated to allow atypical providers to search for remittances using the date range search option. Enhancements to the claims status-listing tool, allows atypical providers to view a list of claims. Both tools now have a State Medicaid ID search capability.
From the Availity home page, select Payer Spaces Anthem Blue Cross (Anthem) payer tile | Applications. Choose the tool you want to proceed with, Claims Status Listing or Remittance Inquiry, followed by the organization name > TIN

- Enter Dates of Service (DOS) to search (a 30 day date span can be searched at one time) > select Search
- View a list of your claims that fall within the search criteria entered.

- Enter Dates of Service (DOS) to search (a 7 day date span can be searched at one time) > Select Search
- View a list of your remittances that fall within the search criteria entered
*Note: A provider must first be designated as atypical through the Express Entry process.
PUBLICATIONS: July 2020 Anthem Blue Cross Provider News - California
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