AdministrativeMedicare AdvantageMedicaidAugust 1, 2023

CareMore Health is becoming Carelon Health on January 1, 2024

This communication applies to Medicaid and Medicare Advantage plans from Anthem Blue Cross

You may have a relationship with CareMore Health as a partner in caring for your patients. CareMore delivers personalized, whole-person care to improve the quality of life for your patients, ensuring better outcomes and lowering costs to improve the health standards of the healthcare system. Soon, CareMore Health will have a new name: Carelon Health.

Although the name will become Carelon Health, patients will still receive the same provider-led, patient-centered, compassionate care from the same trusted doctors and nurses they see today.

Carelon Health neighborhood care centers will continue to offer medical, behavioral, and wellness services in one location. Carelon Health’s advanced primary care can help you further enhance whole-person care.

There’s nothing that you or your patients need to do

Nothing will change regarding patient referrals or your professional relationships with clinical staff. Carelon Health will continue to provide comprehensive and integrated care to address all aspects of patients’ health. If you are a current CareMore Health provider, you will receive a notification to update the name of CareMore Health to Carelon Health in your Provider Agreement in the coming months.

Current CareMore Health patients will see the transition to Carelon Health in their fall 2023 enrollment materials.

Please visit the CareMore Health website for more information on their programs.


PUBLICATIONS: August 2023 Provider Newsletter