CommercialDecember 1, 2020
Access to claim denial information is now self-service
Anthem Blue Cross (Anthem) is committed to providing digital first solutions. Our health care teams can now use self-service tools to reduce the amount of time spent following up on claim denials. Through the application of predictive analytics, Anthem has the answers before you ask the questions. With an initial focus on claim-level insights, Anthem has streamlined claim denial inquiries by making the reasons for the claim denial digitally available. In addition to the reason for the denial, we supply you with the next steps needed to move the claim to completion. This eliminates the need to call for updates and experience any unnecessary delays waiting for the EOB.
Access Claims History on Payer Space from our secure provider portal through Availity. We provide a complete list of claims, highlight those claims that have proactive insights, provide a reason for the denial, and the information needed to move the claim forward.
Claim resolution daily
Automated updates make it possible to refresh claims history daily. As you resolve claim denials, the claim status changes, other claims needing resolution are added, and claims are resolved faster.
Anthem has made it easier to update and supply additional information, too. While logged into the secure provider portal, you have the ability to revise your claim, add attachments, or eliminate it if filed in error. Even if you did not file the claim digitally, you can access the proactive insights. Predictive analytics supplies the needed claim denial information online – all in one place.
Predictive proactive issue resolution and near real-time digital claim denial information is another example of how Anthem is using digital technology to improve the health care experience.
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