CommercialSeptember 1, 2021
6 simple strategies to help increase medication adherence
Did you know the cost Impact of medication non-adherence is $528 billion from non-optimized medication therapy?1 That’s equivalent to 16% of U.S. total health expenditures and contributes to 275,689 deaths per year.2
As a healthcare provider, you can motivate your patients to adhere to their medication regimens, which can contribute to improved outcomes and increased STARS performance.
We developed this video to offer best practices in boosting medication adherence among your patient population.
Use the 6 SIMPLE strategies below to help improve medication adherence among your patient population.
S - Simplify the regimen
- Limit the # of doses and frequency
- Encourage adherence aids such as a pill box
- Utilize generic prescriptions if clinically appropriate
- Implement real-time pharmacy benefit to understand patient cost-share at the point of care
I - Impart knowledge
- Assess patient’s knowledge of medication regimen
- Provide clear medication instructions (written and verbal)
- Patient-provider shared decision-making
M - Modify patient beliefs and behavior
- Ask open ended questions about impact of not taking medications
- Empower patients to self-manage their condition
P - Provide communication and trust
- Provide emotional support
- Allow adequate time for the patient to ask question
L - Leave the bias
- Understand patient’s health literacy and how it affects outcomes
- Develop a patient-centered communication style
E - Evaluate Adherence
- Utilize motivational interviewing to confirm adherence
- Review pharmacy refill records, Rx bottles, lab testing
- Identify barriers to adherence
- Determine interventions and follow-up
- When appropriate, prescribe 90 day fills for chronic conditions
Watch this video to learn more best practices on helping improve medication adherence and your organization’s overall quality and STARS performance.
1 Lloyd J et al. How much does medication nonadherence cost Medicare fee-for-service program? Med Care. 2019; 00:1-7.
2 Watannabe JE et al. Cost of prescription drug-related morbidity and mortality. Ann Pharmacother. 2018;52(9):829-837.DOI: 10.1177/060028018765159
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