CommercialJuly 1, 2020
July 2020 Anthem Provider News - Wisconsin
CommercialJuly 1, 2020
Notice of Material Changes/Amendments to Contract and Prior Authorization Changes - July 2020CommercialJuly 1, 2020
Anthem Commercial Risk Adjustment (CRA) Reporting Update: 2020 Program Year Progression - What’s in it for you and your patients?CommercialJuly 1, 2020
Welcome to the Custom Learning Center in AvailityCommercialJuly 1, 2020
Important change to prior authorization requests for inpatient hospital admissions*Policy Updates
CommercialJuly 1, 2020
Update: Notice of changes to the AIM Musculoskeletal Program prior authorization requirements and setting determinations*CommercialJuly 1, 2020
New MCG 24th Edition GuidelinesProducts & Programs
CommercialJuly 1, 2020
Update: New go-live date for level of care medical necessity review of upper and lower endoscopy proceduresCommercialJuly 1, 2020
Anthem prior authorization updates for specialty pharmacy are available - July 2020*CommercialJuly 1, 2020
Updated coverage for HIV PrEP medicationsState & Federal
BadgerCare Plus and Medicaid SSI ProgramsJuly 1, 2020
Medicaid News - July 2020- Updates to AIM Specialty Health advanced imaging clinical appropriateness guidelines
- Modifier use reminders
- Medical policies and clinical utilization management guidelines update
- New behavioral health discharge call-in line
Medicare AdvantageJuly 1, 2020
2020 Special Needs PlansMedicare AdvantageJuly 1, 2020
In-Office Assessment ProgramMedicare AdvantageJuly 1, 2020
Medical drug benefit clinical criteria updatesMedicare AdvantageJuly 1, 2020
2020 affirmative statement concerning utilization management decisionsMedicare AdvantageJuly 1, 2020
Prior authorization codes moving from AIM Specialty Health to Anthem Blue Cross and Blue ShieldMedicare AdvantageJuly 1, 2020
Medicare News - July 2020- New behavioral health discharge call-in line
- Medical policies and clinical utilization management guidelines update
- Updates to AIM Specialty Health advanced imaging clinical appropriateness guidelines
- Transition to AIM rehabilitative services clinical appropriateness guidelines
- Modifier use reminders
BadgerCare Plus and Medicaid SSI ProgramsJuly 1, 2020
Coding spotlight: Provider’s guide to coding for cardiovascular conditionsBadgerCare Plus and Medicaid SSI ProgramsJuly 1, 2020
Submit behavioral health authorizations via our online Interactive Care Reviewer toolBadgerCare Plus and Medicaid SSI ProgramsJuly 1, 2020
Medical drug benefit clinical criteria updatesTo view this publication online:
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