AdministrativeCommercialApril 1, 2019

Why do patients stop taking their prescribed medications and what can you do to help them?

You want what’s best for your patients’ health. So, it's challenging when a patient doesn't follow your prescribed treatment plan.  Why do approximately 50% of patients with chronic illness stop taking their medications within one year of being prescribed1? What can be done differently? The missed opportunity may be that you’re only seeing and hearing the tip of the iceberg—the observable portion of the thoughts and emotions your patient is experiencing. The barriers that exist under the waterline—the Titanic-sized, often invisible, patient self-talk that may not get discussed—can create a misalignment between patient and provider.


So we’ve created an online learning experience for the skills and techniques that may help you navigate these uncharted patient waters.  After completing the learning experience you’ll know how to see the barriers, use each appointment as an opportunity to build trust, and bring to light the concerns that may be occurring beneath the surface of your patient interactions. Understanding and addressing these concerns may help improve medication adherence—and you’ll earn CME credit along the way.


Take the next step. To enhance your skills, go to > The Medication Adherence Iceberg: How to navigate what you can’t see. The course is approximately one hour and accessible by smart phone, tablet or desktop at no cost.


1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2017, Feb 1). Overcoming Barriers to Medication Adherence for Chronic Conditions.  Retrieved from