CommercialOctober 1, 2023
Submit prior authorizations for behavioral health services through
You are already enjoying the benefits of submitting authorizations digitally through Availity Essentials.*
In September 2023, Wisconsin behavioral health providers can begin using the same authorization app for behavioral health services. Submitting prior authorizations through is better than any other method because decisions can be made faster. This means our member receives the care they need as quickly as possible.
Interactive Care Reviewer (ICR) is still available
If you need to refer to an authorization that was submitted through ICR, you will still have access to that information. We’ve developed a pathway to access your ICR dashboard. You will simply follow the prompts provided through the Availity Authorization app. To make it even more convenient, you can pin your authorizations from the ICR application to your Availity Authorization app dashboard.
Training is available
If you aren’t already familiar with the Availity Authorization app, training is available. Visit the training site to enroll for an upcoming live webcast or to access an on-demand recording at the Availity Authorization Training Site.
Now, give it a try!
Accessing the Availity Authorization app is easy. Ask your organization’s Availity administrator to check your Authorization role assignment. Without the role assignment, you will not be able to access the Authorization application. Then, just log onto to access the app through the Patient Registration tab by selecting Authorizations and Referrals.
* Availity, LLC is an independent company providing administrative support services on behalf of the health plan.
WIBCBS-CM-035210-23, WIBCBS-CM-038557-23
PUBLICATIONS: October 2023 Provider Newsletter
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