BadgerCare Plus and Medicaid SSI ProgramsDecember 1, 2020
Notifications on the Availity Portal
Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield is now using the Notification Center on the Availity* Portal home page to communicate vital and time sensitive information. You will see a Take Action call out and a red flag in front of the message to make it easy to see new items requiring your attention.
We will use the Notification Center to update your organization if there are payment integrity requests for medical attachments or recommended training in the Custom Learning Center. Select the Take Action icon to access the custom learning recommended course.
There will also be a message posted in the Notification Center when a payment dispute decision is available. Selecting the Take Action icon will allow easy access to your appeals worklist for details.
Viewing the Notification Center updates should be included as part of your regular workflow so that you are aware of any outstanding action items.
PUBLICATIONS: December 2020 Anthem Provider News - Wisconsin
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