Policy Updates Reimbursement PoliciesCommercialSeptember 1, 2019

New Reimbursement Policies: Maternity Services and Multiple Delivery - Professional*

Beginning with dates of service on or after December 1, 2019, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield (Anthem)’s current Routine Obstetrics policy will be retired and will be replaced by the new Maternity Services policy and the new Multiple Delivery policy. 


The new Multiple Delivery policy has the same reimbursement guidelines and requirements as the current Routine Obstetrics policy.


The new Maternity Services policy has the same reimbursement guidelines for global billing as the current Routine Obstetrics policy with an update to the postpartum period. The postpartum period for CPT code 59430 (postpartum care only) will change from 45 days to a 90 day period.


To find Anthem’s professional reimbursement policies online, select your state: Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, Ohio, Wisconsin.


* Notice of Material Changes/Amendments to Contract and Changes to Prior Authorization Requirements may apply for new or updated reimbursement policies, medical policies, or prior authorization requirements.