CommercialJune 1, 2019
Medical Policy and Clinical Guideline Updates -- June 2019*
Below are 2 new Medical policies
NOTE *Precertification required
Title |
Information |
Effective Date |
*GENE.00050 Gene Expression Profiling for Coronary Artery Disease |
• The use of gene expression profiling for coronary artery disease is considered Investigational and Not Medically Necessary (INV&NMN) • Moved the Corus CAD test from GENE.00043 o CPT code 81493 moved from GENE.00043 to this new document |
9/1/19 |
*SURG.00152 Wireless Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy for Left Ventricular Pacing |
• Wireless CRT for left ventricular pacing is considered INV&NMN for all indications, including heart failure. o CPT Category III codes 0515T, 0516T, 0517T, 0518T, 0519T, 0520T, 0521T, 0522T will be considered INV&NMN |
9/1/19 |
These current Clinical Guidelines and/or Medical policies were reviewed and updates were approved
NOTE *Precertification required
Title |
Change |
Effective Date |
CG-GENE-06 Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis Testing |
• Content moved from GENE.00002 • INV&NMN changed to not medically necessary as a result of MP to CUMG transition |
5/9/19 |
CG-GENE-07 BCR-ABL Mutation Analysis |
• Content moved from GENE.00005 • INV&NMN changed to NMN as a result of MP to CUMG transition |
5/9/19 |
*CG-GENE-08 Genetic Testing for PTEN Hamartoma Tumor Syndrome |
Content moved from GENE.00031 • INV&NMN changed to NMN as a result of MP to CUMG transition |
5/9/19 |
CG-GENE-09 Genetic Testing for CHARGE Syndrome |
• Content moved from GENE.00040 • INV&NMN changed to NMN as a result of MP to CUMG transition |
5/9/19 |
*CG-SURG-97 Cardioverter Defibrillators |
• Content moved from SURG.00033 • INV&NMN changed to NMN as a result of MP to CUMG transition CPT codes 33270, 33271 for subcutaneous ICD will be considered always NMN (were INV&NMN) |
6/24/19 |
*CG-SURG-99 Panniculectomy and Abdominoplasty |
• Content moved from SURG.00048 • Clarified that document only addresses liposuction when used for the removal of excess abdominal fat • Clarified Cosmetic and Not medically necessary (COS&NMN) statement addressing repair of diastasis recti |
5/9/19 |
CG-DME-44 Electric Tumor Treatment Field (TTF) |
• Added the use of enhanced computer treatment planning software (such as NovoTal ) as NMN in all cases No specific code for this software; part of code for treatment planning 77299 (NOC) |
9/1/19 |
CG-MED-72 Hyperthermia for Cancer Therapy |
• Clarified MN and NMN statements addressing frequency of treatment |
9/1/19 |
*CG-SURG-09 Temporomandibular Disorders |
• Clarified MN and NMN criteria and removed requirement for FDA approval of prosthetic implants Added HCPCS codes D9130, D9920 for TMJ non-invasive therapies, behavior management as additional examples of TMJ procedures, removed D9940 (deleted) |
9/1/19 |
*GENE.00043 Genetic Testing of an Individual’s Genome for Inherited Diseases |
• Removed INV&NMN statement and all other language and coding related to Corus CAD testing • Corus CAD testing now addressed in GENE.00050 Removed CPT code 81493 for Corus CAD; added existing CPT codes 81205, 81250, 81302, 81303, 81304, 81331, 81332, S3850 and Tier 2 codes 81400, 81401, 81402, 81407 which will now be reviewed for MN or INV&NMN; also added applicable genes to Tier 2 code |
9/1/19 |
*GENE.00012 Preconception or Prenatal Genetic Testing of a Parent or Prospective Parent |
Added existing CPT codes 81205, 81250, 81302, 81303, 81304, 81331, 81332, S3850 and Tier 2 codes 81400, 81401, 81402, 81407, 81408 which will now be reviewed for MN or INV&NMN; also added applicable genes to Tier 2 codes |
9/1/19 |
*CG-GENE-01 Janus Kinase 2, CALR, and MPL Gene Mutation Assays Previous title: Janus Kinase 2 (JAK2)V617F and JAK2 exon 12 Gene Mutation Assays |
Revised title • Reformatted MN clinical indications • Added CALR and MPL gene mutation testing as MN when criteria are met • Added CALR and MPL gene mutation testing as NMN when MN criteria are not met Added CPT Tier 1 code 81219 and Tier 2 code 81402 for MPL and CALR genes to pend for review of criteria |
9/1/19 |
MED.00101 Physiologic Recording of Tremor using Accelerometer(s) and Gyroscope(s) |
Added CPT Category III codes 0533T, 0534T, 0535T, 0536T described as 'non-invasive kinetigraphy' (Note codes effective 01/01/19) |
9/1/19 |
SURG.00139 Intraoperative Assessment of Surgical Margins During Breast-Conserving Surgery with Radiofrequency Spectroscopy or Optical Coherence Tomography |
Added CPT Category III code 0546T which will be effective 07/01/19 for assessment of margins using radiofrequency spectroscopy |
9/1/19 |
PUBLICATIONS: June 2019 Anthem Provider Newsletter - Wisconsin
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