Medicare AdvantageJuly 1, 2019
Home health billing guidelines for contracted providers
This information is intended for home health agencies that do not submit their claims to MyNexus and are contracted with Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield (Anthem) to be compensated based on the original Medicare Home Health Prospective Payment System. This information is not intended for home health agencies that are contracted to be compensated based on per visit rates.
Below are some billing guidelines we recommend home health providers use when billing a Request for Anticipated Payment (RAP) and final claim to Anthem. This information will assist home health providers in receiving the correct and timely payment according to Medicare guidelines and their contract.
- Anthem should receive the final bill within 120 days after the start date of the episode or 60 days after the paid date of the RAP claim — whichever is greater. If the final bill is not received within this time frame, the RAP payment will be canceled/recouped — This is a Medicare billing requirement.
- Bill the full Medicare allowed amount for the episode as the billed charges. Do not bill only the expected additional payment on the final claim as the billed charges. When this happens, the Lesser of Logic term in your contract affects the final payment made for the services. If the billed charges are less than the final allowed, the payment will be reduced to only pay up to the billed charges. The billed charges on the final claim should be for at least the full Medicare allowed amount for the services rendered. This will allow the claim to process correctly according to Medicare guidelines.
- Example: RAP claim paid $500. The final claim is submitted with billed charges in the amount of $1,000. The Medicare allowed amount is $1,500. Since the billed charges on the final claim are only $1,000, Anthem would only pay an additional $500 for the final allowed according to the Lesser of Logic term in the contract. If the provider would have billed charges in the amount of at least $1,500, then an additional payment of $1,000 would have been paid.
PUBLICATIONS: July 2019 Anthem Provider News - Wisconsin
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