Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | CommercialApril 1, 2020
Transition to Interactive Care Reviewer as the exclusive online prior authorization tool for FEP membership delayed until late second quarter
In this edition of Provider News, we are notifying you of our decision to delay the transition from Point of Care (POC) to the Interactive Care Reviewer (ICR) as the exclusive online prior authorization tool for services members receive who are enrolled in the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Service Benefit Plan (commonly referred to as the Federal Employee Program® or FEP). We are delaying the implementation to ICR until late second quarter. ICR is Anthem’s online authorization tool that you will use to request and check the status of medical and behavioral health inpatient and outpatient procedures for FEP members. When ICR becomes available, you will no longer be able to use Point of Care to perform online authorization transactions for FEP members. We will announce the new implementation date of ICR in our May edition of Provider News and the POC website.
You will access ICR through the Availity Portal so to be prepared, ask your Availity administrator to grant you the required ICR role assignment.
Do you create and submit prior authorization requests?
Authorization and Referral Request role assignment
Do you check the status of the case or results of the authorization request?
Authorization and Referral Inquiry role assignment
ICR training is offered monthly
Register for one of our free webinars created to familiarize new users with ICR features and navigation. April’s webinar is taking place on April 23 at 1 p.m. ET. Register here
PUBLICATIONS: April 2020 Anthem Provider News - Virginia
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