AdministrativeAnthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | CommercialJuly 1, 2019

REMINDER: Change to toll-free phone lines for Provider Services in Virginia

Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield respects your time, and we want your service experience to be exceptional.  Effective June 13, 2019, we made slight changes to the prompts within our interactive voice response (IVR) system that you use when dialing in to Anthem’s Provider Service areas.  These enhancements were designed to make it easier for you to get the information you need quickly when you call and to streamline your call-in experience – saving you time in the process.   


As a reminder, always refer to the back of members’ health insurance ID cards for the most accurate Provider Services telephone number.  This will help prevent unnecessary misroutes or delays. The back of the member’s ID card (text at the bottom) will also identify the Home Plan issuing the member’s policy.


If you do not have the member’s ID card available, please refer to the following as general guidance:


Toll-free Telephone Numbers

When to Use


Dial this phone number when calling about a local Virginia Plan member whose ID card has Plan code 923, 924 or 925.  Follow prompts on the IVR for proper routing. 




Dial this phone number when calling about claim status for members whose policies are issued by other Blue Cross and Blue Shield Plans. (These are non-Virginia BlueCard members.)


800-676-BLUE (2583)

Dial this phone number when calling about a non-Virginia BlueCard member enrolled in another Blue Cross and Blue Shield Plan.  This phone number will connect you with the member’s Home Plan where you can check eligibility, benefits and obtain precertification, if required.



Sample ID card below showing where the Plan code on the member’s ID card can be found.

Sample Virginia ID Card


Please make sure you are checking the member’s ID card for the Plan code.