State & FederalAnthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | Medicare AdvantageSeptember 1, 2022

Reminder: AIM prior authorization phone number change for Medicare

AIM Specialty Health®* (AIM) created new contact center phone numbers for Medicare providers to call for prior authorization requests. The new phone number for the Virginia market is 888-240-5058.


Note: The old number is not available for requests after August 15, 2022, so please use this new number to submit new prior authorization AIM requests.


As always, the best way to reach AIM is to use the ProviderPortal.SM  It is:


  • Self-service.
  • Available 24/7.
  • Customizable with physician information.
  • Easy to use and allows real-time determinations.


The ProviderPortal is a fast and efficient way to start a case. It also allows your team to:


  • Check order status and view order history.
  • Print/save PDF of order summary.
  • Use multiple staff members to enter/view the practice’s orders.
  • Increase payment certainty.
  • Reference desk training and tutorials, including clinical criteria and CPT® lists.


If not already registered, your first step is to register your practice in the ProviderPortal at


* AIM Specialty Health is an independent company providing some utilization review services on behalf of Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield

