AdministrativeAnthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | CommercialNovember 1, 2022

Provider contract and fee schedule notifications via Availity

As a reminder, periodically log into the Availity* Provider Online Reporting tool to make sure you don’t miss any notifications placed for your review. Here is a recap of the tool and instructions on how to sign up and access your notifications.


Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield and our affiliate HealthKeepers, Inc. will notify you by mail of the provider contract amendment, which includes a statewide fee schedule update. The mailing will occur on November 16, 2022, at which time you may also log into Availity to securely access and download a digital copy of your amendment documents using the Provider Online Reporting tool.


Keep in mind that only authorized users in your practice or facility can view the confidential contract amendments using the reporting tool. Your Availity administrator must grant access to the reporting tool if you do not currently have access. For easy reference, we’re again including the information to help you get started with Provider Contract and Fee Schedule Notifications, if needed.


Provider Online Reporting Reference Guide


How to get started


This document will familiarize you with the Provider Online Reporting application found on the Availity at Using our web-based Provider Online Reporting application, you will be able to access your updated fee schedule.


For Availity Administrators: How to assign access


If your organization is not currently registered for Availity, go to and select Register to complete the online application.


Your Administrator will need to take the following steps to assign access to Provider Online Reporting:

  1. Assign the user role of Provider Online Reporting to your Availity access.
  2. Select Payer Spaces in the top menu bar and select the payer tile that corresponds to the market.
  3. First-time users accessing Payer Spaces will be asked to accept a Terms of Use Agreement. The agreement will appear for users once every 365 days.
  4. On the Applications tab, select Provider Online Reporting.
  5. Select Organization and select Submit.
  6. On the Welcome to Provider Online Reporting page, select Register/Maintain Organization.
  7. Select Register Tax ID(s) for the applicable program to register the tax IDs.
  8. A pop-up window will display all tax IDs that need to be registered for the program. Check the box for each tax ID to be registered and select Save.
  9. You now have successfully completed the tax ID registration. Notice that after the registration has been completed, the status has changed from Register Tax ID(s) to Edit Tax ID(s).


For Users: How to navigate to the report

Accessing reports:


  1. Log in to
  2. Choose Payer Spaces in the top menu bar.
  3. Select the payer tile that corresponds to your market.
  4. Accept the User Agreement (once every 365 days).
  5. On the Applications tab, select Provider Online Reporting.
  6. Select Organization and choose Submit.
  7. Select Report Search, choose the type of report, and then launch your program’s reporting application.

Report Search

The home page in Provider Online Reporting will open. This page lists all programs for which that organization is eligible.


Use the navigation options on the left-hand side of the page to easily move around within the tool.

Provider Online Reporting

The Programs page providers a description about the program your organization is participating in and includes helpful documents related to your program if applicable. Select a program using the dropdown arrow.


The Report Search page launches the corresponding reporting application to your program. Select the appropriate program from the dropdown menu.

Report Search

Helpful tip: Save online Provider Online Reporting as a favorite.


Save Provider Online Reporting as a favorite to be able to access it quickly from the Availity home page:


  1. Log in to Availity at
  2. Choose Payer Spaces in the top menu bar.
  3. Select the payer tile that corresponds to your market.
  4. On the Applications tab, select the heart icon next to Provider Online Reporting so it fills in and turns red.
  5. Now, Provider Online Reporting will appear at the top under the My Favorites dropdown.

My Favorites

For questions regarding Availity, contact Availity Client Services at 800-282-4548.


If you have questions about Provider Online Reporting, use the Contact Us section of the application.


For other questions, contact your local contract advisor, consultant, or Provider Relations representative.


* Availity, LLC is an independent company providing administrative support services on behalf of Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield and its affiliate HealthKeepers, Inc.

