HealthKeepers, Inc. | Anthem HealthKeepers Plus Medicaid productsApril 1, 2021
Please provide this information to your patients: Enrollment period for Anthem HealthKeepers Plus in Tidewater area is open through April 30, 2021
Please note, this communication applies to Anthem HealthKeepers Plus offered by HealthKeepers, Inc.
We’re the brand Virginians have trusted for more than 25 years.
Enrollment for Tidewater area is open now through April 30, 2021.
It is now time to switch to the Anthem HealthKeepers Plus plan. Your patients still get all the Medicaid benefits they expect, such as doctor visits, prescriptions and a 24/7 NurseLine at no cost.
Being an Anthem HealthKeepers Plus member qualifies members to receive additional benefits, such as:
- Free rides to grocery stores, farmers markets and food banks.
- Free General Education Development (GED) testing.
- A $25 gift card for high school and college students with A’s and B’s.
- Meals delivered to their home after a hospital stay — two meals a day for seven days.
- Free diapers, an umbrella, a stroller and children’s books.
New incentives in 2021:
- Up to $30 in baby food vouchers for going to well-child visits
- Free Chromebook for high school seniors with a 3.5 GPA
Provide this information to your patients so they can switch to the state’s largest Medicaid plan now.
For more information, your patients can visit, or call the Managed Care Helpline at 1-800-643-2273.
PUBLICATIONS: April 2021 Anthem Provider News - Virginia
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