Education & TrainingHealthKeepers, Inc. | Anthem HealthKeepers Plus Medicaid productsJuly 1, 2024

Person-centered thinking hybrid training

About this training

Person-centered thinking (PCT) is a foundational mindset that enables those who support others to deliver support that is consistent with person-centered practices. Graduates gain in-depth instruction on how to use and apply 11 person-centered observational, management, and problem-solving skills that can revolutionize how to support a person.

Graduates are also trained to accurately complete the person-centered description (PCD). An accurate PCD can drastically improve the services and supports of a person as well as improve quality of life.

This training and the PCD ensure your staff are helping a person find and maintain positive control of their life, in addition to preserving information about a person, while helping staff work more effectively and efficiently.

Upon successfully completing both parts, the learner will receive a certificate indicating they have been certified by the Learning Community for Person-Centered Practices to use the PCT skills gained throughout the course.

Training details

PCT hybrid training consists of two parts:

  • Part one is a six-module eLearn course. This eLearn is interactive and engaging while allowing learners to complete each module at their own pace. It consists of scenarios, case studies, and knowledge checks to help the learner retain what is being taught. Modules in the eLearn cover:
  • An overview of the course.
  • The core concept.
  • Learning log.
  • The donut.
  • Working and not working.
  • 4+1 questions.

  • Part two is a virtual one and a half-day PCT training led by a live trainer and a follow-up training to the pre-requisite PCT eLearn course. In this one and a half-day training, learners will be trained on the PCT skills not covered in the eLearn course.

A certified PCT trainer from IntellectAbility will teach this training. Completion of part one and part two is required to receive a PCT certificate. Topics to be covered will include:

  • Creating a one-page description. 
  • Considering culture when giving supports. 
  • Learning to be process and content experts. 
  • Moving supports from power-over to power-with.
  • The relationship map. 
  • The communication chart. 
  • Good day and bad day. 
  • Reframing reputations. 
  • Person-centered matching techniques.

If you have any questions about this communication, contact Anthem HealthKeepers Plus Provider Services at 800-901-0020.

HealthKeepers, Inc. is an independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association. Anthem HealthKeepers Plus, offered by HealthKeepers, Inc., is a health plan that contracts with the Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services to provide Medicaid benefits to enrollees. Anthem is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc.


PUBLICATIONS: July 2024 Provider Newsletter