AdministrativeAnthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | CommercialJanuary 1, 2020

New year brings new ID cards for many Anthem members

Now is the time to ask all of your patients to present their current ID card.  Many members were assigned new identification numbers effective January 1, 2020, and new ID cards were provided digitally or mailed to all affected members in late December 2019. To ensure claims are processed appropriately, here is some helpful information.


Tips for Success: When Anthem members arrive at your office or facility, ask to see their current member identification card at each visit. Many of our members no longer receive a paper card, so they will present you with their digital card on their mobile device.  Doing so will help you:


  • Identify the member’s product


  • Obtain health plan contact information


  • Speed claims processing


Note:  Claims submitted with an incorrect ID number may be unable to be processed and may be returned to you for correction and resubmission with the correct ID.  


Tips for Success: When you contact members about a claim returned for an invalid ID, and they do not recall receiving a new ID card or they misplaced their ID card, please ask members to confirm their member ID using one of the following options:



  • Use the Anthem mobile app called Sydney (formerly Anthem Anywhere) to access their electronic ID card


  • Members can fax or email their most current card from or the mobile APP to your office if needed


  • Call their Anthem member services number


Following the tips above will result in a successful start to your new year.