Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | Medicare AdvantageMarch 1, 2021
MCG Care Guidelines 24th edition customization
Effective June 1, 2021, the following new customizations will be implemented:
- Gastrointestinal Bleeding, Upper (W0170, previously ORG M-180) – Customized the Clinical Indications for admission to inpatient care by revising the hemoglobin; systolic blood pressure; pulse; melena; orthostatic hypotension; and BUN criteria.
- Gastrointestinal Bleeding, Upper Observation Care (W0171, previously OCG OC-021) – Customized the Clinical Indications for observation care by revising the systolic blood pressure and hemoglobin criteria and adding melena or hematochezia and suspected history of bleeding.
To view a detailed summary of customizations, select: Customizations to MCG Care Guidelines 24th Edition (path: > Change state. Scroll down to Other Criteria > Customizations to MCG Care Guidelines 24th Edition.)
For questions, please contact the provider service number on the back of the member's ID card.
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PUBLICATIONS: March 2021 Anthem Provider News - Virginia
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