AdministrativeAnthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | CommercialMarch 1, 2019

Explore the updates to the Medical Attachment tool

Have you been using the medical attachment tool on the Availity Portal to submit solicited medical records in support of a claim? You will now find these changes that were recently introduced:


  • Select the “Attachment – New” option to submit medical records when Anthem has requested additional information to process a claim
  • To send a solicited attachment, now find the “Send Attachment” link on the top, right side of the page
  • Expanded file size – each attachment can be up to 40 MB with a total of 80 MB as the file size limit
  • Ability to submit an itemized bill


If you have not tried the Medical Attachment tool to submit electronic documentation in support of a claim, now is the time to give it a try! This tool makes the process of submitting requested medical records simple and streamlined. You can use your tax identification number (TIN) or your NPI to register and submit solicited (requested by Anthem) medical record attachments through the Availity Portal.


The existing Medical Attachment tool will not be removed from the Availity Portal immediately, but users are encouraged to connect to the ‘Attachment – New’ option for greater capabilities.


How to Access solicited Medical Attachments for Your Office

  • Availity Administrator, complete these steps:


From My Account Dashboard, select Enrollments Center>Medical Attachments Setup, follow the prompts and complete the following sections:


  1. Select Application>choose Medical Attachments Registration
  2. Provider Management>Select Organization from the drop-down. Add NPIs and/or Tax IDs (Multiples can be added separated by spaces or semi-colons)
  3. Assign user access by checking the box in front of the user’s name. Users may be removed by unchecking their name


Using Medical Attachments

Availity User, complete these steps:

  1. Log in to
  2. Select Claims and Payments > Attachments-New >Send Attachment Tab
  3. Complete all required fields of the form
  4. Attach supporting documentation
  5. Submit


Need Training?


To access additional training for this Availity feature:


  1. Log in to the Availity Portal at
  2. At the top of any Availity portal page, click Help and Training > Get Trained (Make sure you do not have a pop-up blocker turned on or the next page may not open.)
  3. In the new window a list of available topics will open. Locate and click Medical Attachments
  4. Under the Recordings section, click View Recording