State & FederalHealthKeepers, Inc. | Anthem HealthKeepers Plus Medicaid productsFebruary 1, 2021

DMAS 80 notifications: Update to fax number

Please note, this communication applies to Anthem HealthKeepers Plus, Commonwealth Coordinated Care Plus (Anthem CCC Plus) offered by HealthKeepers, Inc.


HealthKeepers, Inc. would like to notify Anthem CCC Plus nursing facility and skilled nursing facility (SNF) providers on a change to the fax number for DMAS* 80 notifications. In an effort to streamline this process, effective December 1, 2020, DMAS 80 notifications should be sent to 1-844-430-6803 only.


In addition, we would like to provide some reminders of expectations for submitted DMAS 80 requests. Facilities should be reminded of some common submissions errors we see. Properly completing the DMAS 80 form allows HealthKeepers, Inc. to accurately and promptly complete the necessary steps required. This includes:


  • Ensure to check the appropriate box for nursing facility or skilled nursing as appropriate.


  • Ensure to check the appropriate box — yes or no — if there is a valid UAI. If the answer is no, please check the appropriate special circumstances. If related to COVID-19, please add a note on the form stating so.


  • UAIs should be verified that is has been completed in its entirety and successfully submitted to the ePAS system before marking on the form that there is a valid UAI.


  • Submitting DMAS 80s in a timely manner. Requests should be submitted when member is admitted for timely processing.


  • The website is only updated for SNF admissions if the member is an Anthem CCC Plus and Medicare Advantage member. All other SNF DMAS 80 forms are for notification only.


If you have any questions about this communication, call Provider Services at 1‑800‑901‑0020 or Anthem CCC Plus Provider Services at 1‑855‑323‑4687.


*Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services

