Behavioral HealthAnthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | CommercialJuly 1, 2020

2020 is the last year for Virginia Behavioral Health Pay for Performance program

Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield and affiliate HealthKeepers, Inc. are offering outpatient network providers an opportunity to participate in the 2020 Virginia Behavioral Health Pay for Performance (VBH-P4P) program.  This program provides Behavioral Health providers an opportunity to earn incentive payment for performing at or above target on a set of quality care measures.


Year 2020 will be the last year we will be offering our current Virginia Behavioral Health Pay for Performance program to outpatient network providers.  We are making changes for 2021 and will be presenting new and exciting opportunities for the coming year.


Beginning in 2021, providers who have participated in the previous Virginia program will be invited to participate in the BH Provider Collaboration Value-Based Payment program. Lauren Sims, BHH PC Program Director, presented at the May 13, 2020, Virginia BH Provider P4P bi-annual meeting.  If you have any questions, please contact her at   Additional overview training will be offered the beginning of fourth quarter.  Communications will be sent directly to providers interested in participating in the BH Provider Collaboration program.


The remainder of 2020 will continue as previous years with the VBH-P4P program incentives sent to providers in June, and the last bi-annual meeting held in October.  For specifics related to the current VBH-P4P program, please contact

