Administrative Digital SolutionsCommercialApril 23, 2024

Overview of the Preference Center on Availity Essentials

In our previous communications about the Authorizations and Referrals application on Availity Essentials, we mentioned the Preference Center where you can select your preferred method of communication for authorization cases. Below, find details on how to easily access the Preference Center and set your communication preference. The Preference Center, which can be accessed by your Availity administrator or their assistant, will be available on Availity Essentials within Payer Spaces by the end of April 2024.

Access the Preference Center

After logging in to Availity Essentials, your Availity administrator, or their assistant, will select Payer Spaces from the top menu bar, then select the Anthem payer tile. Once in Payer Spaces, select the Preference Center application tile. The Preference Center will prompt them to select your organization.

Set your preferred communication mode for authorization cases

After selecting your organization, select the preference option for Authorization and Referrals to see the preferred communication mode for authorization cases and adjust the preference (Digital Access (Default) or Digital + Mail) based on your business needs.

Once in the preference setting for Authorizations and Referrals, all tax IDs and NPIs for your organization registered with Availity Essentials will be displayed on the screen. The default communication mode for authorization cases will be set to Digital Access for all organizations, including all combinations of tax IDs and NPIs.

You can change the mode of communication to Digital + Mail for any combination of tax ID and NPI. There is no need to manually enter the tax IDs and/or NPIs to set this preference. Instead, use the search bar to focus on the tax IDs and NPIs you want to make changes to. Additionally, you can add more NPIs to your current registration and set the preferred communication mode for the new NPIs under the selected tax IDs.

Manage preferences (Availity administrators)

Availity administrators can learn more about managing preferences related to Authorization Decision letters in the Custom Learning Center, available in Payer Spaces on Availity Essentials.

After logging in to Availity Essentials, select Payer Spaces from the top menu bar, then select the Anthem payer tile. Once in Payer Spaces, select the Custom Learning Center application, then select the Resources section to view or download the Reference Guide on managing receipt of Authorization Decision letters.

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Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield is the trade name of Community Insurance Company. Independent licensee(s) of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association. Anthem is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc.


PUBLICATIONS: May 2024 Provider Newsletter