AdministrativeMedicaid Managed CareAugust 1, 2024

Behind the scenes, get to know: Kaitlyn Nickel

What are three things everyone should know about you?

I am originally from Santa Monica, California. I was raised alongside the beach (even though I hardly went to the beach). I did get to meet some celebrities from time to time so that was exciting. I moved to Ohio in 2011 for college and just have not left. I prefer the size of Columbus versus Santa Monica much more.

When I was growing up, my passion was helping others. I became a member of my local Boys & Girls club and went every day. I got to do so many things, but I always wanted to help. I started to get involved in the leadership programs they offered. I got to put on volunteer events and food/clothing drives, got to go to new places like Atlanta and Orlando for conferences, and just give back. During the summers, I became a staff member and got to work with the kids more directly. Every summer during college, I would go back to California to work because of how much the place impacted me and the impact on the kids around me.

I love being out in nature. Every day after work and on the weekends, my friends can always find me at a local metro park walking the trails. I can spend hours out there, pack a picnic, and just enjoy. I find comfort in being out in the quiet of nature (and you get to see wild turkeys).

What is one thing you never leave home without?

I never leave home without my keys. My keys are an important piece that allows me to get places. It has my car keys, which I can use if I need to run to an errand or visit a friend. And when I am done doing that, it has my house keys to allow myself back into the place that allows me to care for myself and others and make a delicious meal.

Who has been most influential in your life?

Growing up, I was very involved in our local church in California. This church and the community had been in my family’s life since my father was a little kid. There was one individual who was always there, Barbara. She is the most selfless person I know. She was always giving back to others and doing as much as she could for them. She never complained nor asked for anything in return (she would put up a fuss if you tried to do something nice for her in exchange). She became a part of our family as Aunt Barbara; we all love her. She is who inspired me to want to do more for those around me and was always there for me when I needed her.

Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Medicaid is the trade name of Community Insurance Company. Independent licensee(s) of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association. Anthem is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc.


PUBLICATIONS: August 2024 Provider Newsletter