CommercialApril 20, 2022

COVID-19 Information - Publication RETIRED as of November 8, 2022


AdministrativeCommercialApril 20, 2022

Information from Empire for Care Providers about COVID-19 - RETIRED as of November 8, 2022


Future updates regarding COVID-19 will appear in the monthly Provider News publication.

AdministrativeCommercialMarch 31, 2021

Maximizing efficient, high quality COVID-19 screenings

AdministrativeCommercialAugust 25, 2020

New York Department of Financial Services Circular Letter on PPE
The New York Department of Financial Services (“DFS”) recently issued a circular letter, “Charges for Personal Protective Equipment by Participating Providers”.  In support with the letter, Empire is sharing with participating providers their responsibilities and working with providers to report the findings to DFS.

AdministrativeCommercialJune 25, 2020

Webinar recording now available for network providers on how to leverage telehealth to care for Behavioral Health patients during COVID-19 and beyond
Empire hosted a provider webinar to share information and resources with Behavioral Health providers to assist with maximizing the telehealth experience.  Access the webinar recording to learn more about leveraging telehealth for behavioral health services.

AdministrativeCommercialMay 31, 2020

A special thank you to Care Providers

Thank you for your tireless efforts in keeping our country healthy. For all you do, we would like to share a message of our gratitude.

AdministrativeCommercialMay 29, 2020

Empire Waives Cost Share for COVID-19 Treatment (Updated May 29, 2020)
Effective April 1, we expanded coverage for our members undergoing treatment related to a COVID-19 diagnosis, which covers the waiver of cost shares for COVID-19 treatment received through December 31, 2020.

AdministrativeCommercialAugust 13, 2020

Mental Health Services for Fully Insured New York Members including Essential Workers
Effective May 2, 2020, Empire began waiving cost sharing for in-network outpatient mental health services for all New York fully-insured members, including essential workers.  This waiver will be in effect until September 28, 2020, unless further extended.

AdministrativeCommercialApril 28, 2020

Webinar recording now available for network providers on SBA loans and other federal relief programs in response to COVID-19 (Updated May 1, 2020)

Empire hosted a provider webinar to share information and resources with its network providers regarding opportunities providers have to access loans through the U.S Small Business Administration (SBA) and other federal programs in response to the economic impact of COVID-19. Access the webinar recording using the password “health” to learn more about federal financial relief for providers.

AdministrativeCommercialApril 15, 2020

Federal Resources Available for Care Providers and Employers in the Federal CARES Act
During the COVID-19 crisis, care providers are working to keep the country running while navigating the financial impact it is having on them. To help care providers navigate the resources available to them Empire has complied information on programs we have learned about that could provide additional financial relief during this crisis.

State & Federal

State & FederalCommercialMarch 25, 2020

Updated COVID-19 Medicare and Medicaid Information
For the latest COVID-19 Medicare and Medicaid information, please check Medicaid Provider News - COVID-19 and Important Medicare Advantage Updates.