AdministrativeCommercialMay 1, 2021

Referring to network DME providers for negative pressure wound therapy helps members save on out-of-pocket costs

Beginning January 1, 2024, Empire became Anthem. This article, published under the former brand, now applies to Anthem.

Often, healthcare costs incurred by Empire BlueCross BlueShield (“Empire”) members are a result of recommendations made by their physicians. As an Empire participating physician, you can help reduce your patients’ healthcare costs. Choices, such as where to refer a Member for Negative Pressure Wound Therapy, can have a significant impact on your patients’ ultimate out-of-pocket liability. We are sharing the following information with you for consideration when referring patients for Negative Pressure Wound Therapy.


Our Members, your patients, often participate in health benefit plans that may have coinsurance or deductibles. Your patients may experience significant differences in cost depending on which Negative Pressure Wound Therapy providers the Members are referred to. The following table provides a sample listing of Empire high quality, low cost national Negative Pressure Wound Therapy providers.  Referring to these providers will likely lower your patients’ out-of-pocket costs. 



Phone Number






You can find all of Empire’s participating durable medical equipment (DME) Orthotics and Prosthetics providers, at “Find Care” -- <Empire’s doctor finder and transparency tool – at


Empire is committed to seeking ways to reduce healthcare costs, and your referrals to network- participating providers can help make a difference.  We appreciate your partnership in considering the financial impact to your patients – our members – especially during these challenging economic times.


If you have questions, please contact your local Network Relations Consultant or call Provider Services.




PUBLICATIONS: May 2021 Newsletter