CommercialMay 31, 2022
Process change for Federal Employee Program® third-party correspondence requests
Beginning January 1, 2024, Empire became Anthem. This article, published under the former brand, now applies to Anthem.
Effective June 1, 2022, the Blue Cross Blue Shield Service Benefit Plan, aka Federal Employee Program (FEP), will be changing the process for responses to third-party requests for correspondence for claim processing. Currently, Empire BlueCross BlueShield (“Empire”) sends correspondence to the third-party biller who requested the information. Effective June 1, 2022, responses to correspondence requests received from third-party billers will be mailed to the servicing provider office to align with internal Empire policy directives.
Questions can be directed to the FEP Customer Service team at 1-800-522-5566.
PUBLICATIONS: June 2022 Newsletter
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