CommercialMarch 31, 2021
Interactive bilingual website acting for our health
Beginning January 1, 2024, Empire became Anthem. This article, published under the former brand, now applies to Anthem.
The interactive website highlights the importance of health screenings, addresses barriers and provides information on access to low and no cost healthcare services in the community. The easy to use website, guides participants through four programs where they can learn about risk factors, take action to get screened, monitor their progress, and share their results with their doctors, health care teams or family and friends to let them know they are taking steps to protect their health and help encourage others to participate as well.
The website is not exclusive for Empire BlueCross BlueShield members. Health care providers are encouraged to share the website with all their Latino patients.
The website identifies four major targets of undue poor health outcomes for Latinos. In response, Tomando Acción por Nuestra Salud/Taking Action for Our Health strives to help increase cancer screening, screening for depression/anxiety-risk, heart diseases and prediabetes and provides tools to address emotional health. The website includes a 4-part workshop series “Comparted el Café y el Chocolate/Coffee and Chocolate” to help people care for the emotional health of their family and themselves. This is a program, specifically for Hispanics, that uses a holistic approach to emotional stability. It builds on cultural strengths to balance four key items—community, body, mind, and spirit.
To access Tomando Acción por Nuestra Salud/Taking Action for Our Health visit: Taking Action for Our Health.
PUBLICATIONS: April 2021 Newsletter
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