CommercialAugust 31, 2021
Get your payments faster when you sign up for electronic funds transfer
Beginning January 1, 2024, Empire became Anthem. This article, published under the former brand, now applies to Anthem.
When you sign up for EFT through EnrollSafe, the new enrollment portal, you’ll receive your payments up to seven days sooner than through the paper check method. Not only is receiving your payment more convenient, so is signing up for EFT. What’s more, it’s easier to reconcile your direct deposits.
EnrollSafe is safe, secure and available 24-hours a day.
Beginning November 1, 2021, log onto the EnrollSafe enrollment hub at to enroll in EFT. You’ll be directed through the EnrollSafe secure portal to the enrollment page, where you’ll provide the required information to receive direct payment deposits.
Already enrolled in EFT through CAQH Enrollhub?
If you’re already enrolled in EFT through CAQH Enrollhub, no action is needed unless making changes. Your EFT enrollment information will not change as a result of the new enrollment hub.
If you have changes to make, after October 31, 2021, use EnrollSafe to update your account.
Electronic remittance advice (ERA) makes reconciling your EFT payment easy and paper-free.
Now that you are enrolled in EFT, using the digital ERA is the very best way to reconcile your deposits – securely and safely. You’ll be issued a trace number with your EFT deposit that matches up with your ERA on Availity.
ERAs can be retrieved directly from Availity. Log onto Availity and select Claims and Payments > Send and Receive EDI Files > Received Files folder. When using a clearinghouse or billing service, they will supply the 835 ERA for you. You also have the option to view or download a copy of the Remittance Advice under Payer Spaces > Remittance Inquiry tool.
PUBLICATIONS: September 2021 Newsletter
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