AdministrativeCommercialMay 31, 2019

Find A Doctor: New Sort Option

Beginning January 1, 2024, Empire became Anthem. This article, published under the former brand, now applies to Anthem.

Empire’s Find A Doctor tool provides Empire members with the ability to search for in-network providers using the member portal at Find A Doctor currently offers multiple sorting options, such as sorting providers based on distance or name.


Beginning July 20, 2019, Empire’s Find A Doctor will have a new sorting option called “Personalized Match”. The sorting option is based on algorithms which will use a combination of provider location, quality, cost results and member information to intelligently sort and display results for a member’s search. The sorting results will take into account member factors such as the member’s medical conditions, and medications as well as provider factors such as areas of specialty, quality and efficiency measures, volumes of patients treated across various disease conditions, and outcome-based quality measures. These member and provider features will be combined to generate a unique ranking of providers for each member conducting the search. Providers with the highest overall ranking within the search radius will be displayed first with other providers displayed in descending order based on overall rank and proximity to the center of the search radius. Members will continue to have the ability to sort from a variety of sorting orders (such as distance), and this enhancement in sorting methodology will have no impact on member benefits.


As you may recall from our October 5, 2018 notice that this sorting option, “Personalized Match,” has been available on Care and Cost Finder since November 12, 2018, for Empire’s non-fully insured members. Now this sorting option will be available to all of Empire’s membership on the same terms and conditions as described in that October 5, 2018 notice.  


Additional information about Personalized Match:

  • Provider factors will be updated on a quarterly basis.
  • Providers may review a copy of the new sorting methodology here.
  • If you have general questions about this new sorting option in Find A Doctor and the Care and Cost Finder tool, please contact Provider Customer Service.
  • If you would like detailed information about quality or cost factors used as part of this unique sorting or you would like to request reconsideration of those factors you may do so by emailing or by calling 833-292-2601.


Empire will continue to focus and expand our consumer tools and content to assist members in making more informed and personalized health care decisions.