CommercialDecember 31, 2018
Final Notice: Empire Facility and Physician Portal Retirement - January 9, 2019
Beginning January 1, 2024, Empire became Anthem. This article, published under the former brand, now applies to Anthem.
All information formerly on the Empire secure portals will be available exclusively through the Availity Portal (
Your preparations for this transition are vital and should include the following:
- If you are an administrator for your organization's Availity account: Continue to use My Account Dashboard from the Availity home page to register new users and update or unlock accounts for existing users. Make sure all of your users have the roles they need to ensure a smooth transition.
- If you are a user today who regularly accesses information on both Empire Facility or Physician Online Services and Availity: In these final days before the retirement of the Empire Portals, make sure you are able to access everything you require to perform your job duties off of the Availity Portal and work with your administrator to update your access if needed. To determine who your administrator is select My Administrators from your Availity Account Dashboard.
- If your organization is not registered for Availity:
Visit and select REGISTER to get started. Want more information before starting your registration? Watch this video: Learn how to register your organization with Availity – Training Demo.
Finally, users now have two places to obtain valuable training tools and information. If you would like more information on navigating in Availity, select Help & Training | My Learning Plan from the top navigation menu on the Availity home page to plot your learning journey. Availity also offers onboarding modules for new administrators and users. To locate these modules select Help & Training | Get Trained to navigate to the Availity Learning Center, then type “onboarding” in the search field.
To find presentations and reference guides that can be used to educate you and your staff on Empire proprietary tools, select Payer Spaces| Applications| Education and Reference Center | Education and Communications. Or contact your Network Mangement Consultant.
PUBLICATIONS: January 2019 Empire Provider Newsletter
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