Products & Programs PharmacyCommercialMay 31, 2019

Empire Announces Changes in Medical Non-Oncology Specialty Drug Reviews Effective June 15, 2019

Beginning January 1, 2024, Empire became Anthem. This article, published under the former brand, now applies to Anthem.

We continue to streamline our medical specialty drug reviews by transitioning another drug review process from AIM to Empire’s medical specialty drug review team.


As a reminder, beginning on January 2019, providers are able to visit the Pharmacy Information page to review clinical criteria for all injectable, infused or implanted prescription drugs. 


What is changing?

  • Beginning on June 15, 2019, for all requests, regardless of service date, providers will need to submit a new prior authorization request by contacting Empire's medical specialty drug review team:


    • by phone at 1-833-293-0659 or      
    • by fax at 1-888-223-0550 or
    • Online access at available 24/7.


  • All inquiries about an existing request (initially submitted to AIM or Empire), peer-to-peer review, or reconsideration will be managed by Empire’s medical specialty drug review team.


What is not changing?

  • AIM will continue to be responsible for performing medical oncology drug reviews for existing commercial medical benefit for our employer group business.
  • Medical policies and clinical guidelines for non-drug specialty topics will continue to reside at the Office of Medical Policy & Technology Assessment (OMPTA) homepage.
  • Post Service Clinical Coverage Reviews and Grievance and Appeals process and teams will not change.


For your convenience here is a summary of the medical specialty drug changes:

Prior to June 15, 2019




Submit a new prior authorization request


Inquire about an existing request

Call AIM at 866-714-1107,

8 a.m. – 5 p.m.


Access online at available 24/7


Beginning June 15, 2019




Submit a new prior authorization request for medical specialty drug reviews

Call Empire at 1-833-293-0659 or fax us at 1-888-223-0550 for


Access online at available 24/7  

Inquire about an existing request (initially submitted to AIM or Empire, peer-to-peer review, or reconsideration


Call Empire at 1-833-293-0659