CommercialOctober 31, 2021
Blue High Performance Network name changing for 2022
Beginning January 1, 2024, Empire became Anthem. This article, published under the former brand, now applies to Anthem.
BlueHPN is a national network designed from our local market expertise and strong provider relationships, aligned with local networks across the country. These local networks are connected to the national chassis to form a national BlueHPN network.
In New York, Empire BlueCross BlueShield (“Empire”) is offering large and small group employers plans with access to the BlueHPN, with the existing Connection network as the New York HPN entry.
Member ID cards and other plan material will feature one small change for 2022: BlueHPN is now a single word rather than two.
As has been the case this year, in 2022 you may see patients accessing the BlueHPN/Connection network through EPO plans or HSA plans with an EPO network. Under these plans, out of network benefits are limited to emergency or urgent care. Be sure to continue to verify patient eligibility and benefits.
PUBLICATIONS: November 2021 Newsletter
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