AdministrativeCommercialDecember 31, 2018

Benefits to be available for chronic care management and advance care planning services effective February 23, 2019

Beginning January 1, 2024, Empire became Anthem. This article, published under the former brand, now applies to Anthem.

Empire is committed to investing in primary care, rewarding coordinated, patient-centered care, and promoting proactive chronic care management. In recognition of the time-intensive nature of this work, Empire will reimburse chronic care management and advance care planning services for Commercial health plans effective for claims processed on or after February 23, 2019.


Chronic care management (CCM) is care rendered by a physician or non‐physician health care provider and their clinical staff, once per calendar month, for patients with multiple (two or more) chronic conditions expected to last at least 12 months or until the death of the patient, and that place the patient at significant risk of death, acute exacerbation/decompensation, or functional decline. Only one practitioner can bill a CCM service per service period (month). Three CCM codes are included in this payment policy change:  99490, 99487and 99489.


Advance care planning (ACP) is a face-to-face service between a physician or other qualified health care professional and a patient discussing advance directives with or without completing relevant legal forms. An advance directive is a document in which a patient appoints an agent and/or records the wishes of a patient pertaining to their medical treatment at a future time if they cannot decide for themselves at that time.  No specific diagnosis is required for the ACP codes to be billed. It would be appropriate to report a condition for which you are counseling the beneficiary. Two ACP codes are included in the payment policy change: 99497 and 99498


Empire requires patient consent prior to CCM or ACP service(s) being provided. Please refer to the current Claims Requiring Additional Documentation policy for more information. 


For more information, review our Bundled Services and Supplies policy dated February 23, 2019  by visiting the Reimbursement Policies page at