AdministrativeCommercialJuly 1, 2024

Anesthesia modifiers — professional editing update

Effective for all claims received on and after August 1, 2024, Anthem is updating its professional claims editing system to deny anesthesia services billed without the required anesthesia modifiers. According to industry-standard coding resources including the American Society of Anesthesiologists and AMA CPT® coding manuals, and the Anthem current commercial professional anesthesia services reimbursement policy, anesthesia modifiers are necessary to identify whether a procedure was personally performed, medically directed, or medically supervised.

The required modifiers to be reported by provider type are as follows:

Provider type
Required modifier(s)


AA, AD, QK, or QY

CRNA or anesthesiologist assistant — medically directed


CRNA — not medically directed


If you believe you have received a claim denial in error, follow the Anthem claim dispute process.

Commercial services provided by Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield, trade name of Anthem HealthChoice HMO, Inc. and Anthem HealthChoice Assurance, Inc., or Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield HP, trade name of Anthem HP, LLC.
Independent licensees of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association. Anthem is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc.


PUBLICATIONS: July 2024 Provider Newsletter