CommercialJuly 1, 2019
Reminder to providers: Fee schedule information
For example, neither Anthem nor Provider may disclose confidential and proprietary information except:
1) as required by Regulatory Requirements;
2) upon the express written consent of the parties;
3) as required to perform the obligations of the Agreement; or
4) as required to deliver Health Services or administer a Health Benefit Plan.
Please refer to your specific Agreement for a complete list of disclosure restrictions.
Anthem provider agreements restrict the disclosure of confidential information, including Fee Schedule information, to third-parties (e.g., consultants, lenders, legal advisors, and business advisors). Absent Anthem’s written consent, those restrictions surrounding disclosure extends to those third parties that conduct business on behalf of providers.
Upon disclosure, all third parties are subject to the confidentiality requirements as set forth in the Agreement.
Disclosure of confidential and proprietary information, in violation of the terms of the Agreement, could subject Provider to penalties.
PUBLICATIONS: July 2019 Anthem Provider News - Missouri
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