CommercialSeptember 1, 2022
OBRA 93 claim filing for Federal Employee Program
Blue Cross and Blue Shield Service Benefit Plan, also known as the Federal Employee Program (FEP) is now requiring new information on claims that are required by OBRA93 law to be priced at the Medicare allowance.
Members that are over 64 years old and do not have Medicare Part B coverage fall under the OBRA93 law for Medicare pricing. In order for us to obtain the Medicare pricing, the CMS 1500 claim must have a rendering provider ID submitted on the claim.
Claims submitted without the rendering provider ID will deny for the following message on the remit and require the provider to resubmit with this required field.
This claim submission requirement applies to Federal employee member claims only. A Federal member can be identified with an R followed by 8 digits (for example, Rxxxxxxxx).
If you have any questions, please contact FEP Customer Service 800-392-8043.
PUBLICATIONS: September 2022 Anthem Provider News - Missouri
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