Products & Programs PharmacyCommercialOctober 1, 2020

FDA approvals and expedited pathways used - New Molecular Entities (NMEs)

Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield (Anthem) reviews the activities of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)’s approval of drugs and biologics on a regular basis to understand the potential effects for both our providers and members.


The FDA approves new drugs/biologics using various pathways of approval. Recent studies on the effectiveness of drugs/biologics going through these different FDA pathways illustrates the importance of clinicians being aware of the clinical data behind a drug or biologic approval in making informed decisions.


Here is a list of the approval pathways the FDA uses for drugs/biologics:


  • Standard Review – The Standard review process follows well-established paths to make sure drugs/biologics are safe and effective when they reach the public. From concept to approval and beyond, FDA performs these steps: reviews research data and information about drugs and biologics before they become available to the public; watches for problems once drugs and biologics are available to the public; monitors drug/biologic information and advertising; and protects drug/biologic quality. To learn more about the Standard Review process, click here.


New Molecular Entities Approvals: January – August 2020


Certain drugs/biologics are classified as new molecular entities (NMEs) for purposes of FDA review. Many of these products contain active ingredients that have not been approved by FDA previously, either as a single ingredient drug or as part of a combination product; these products frequently provide important new therapies for patients.


Anthem reviews the FDA-approved NMEs on a regular basis. To facilitate the decision-making process, we are providing a list of NMEs approved from January to August 2020 along with the FDA approval pathway utilized. Click here to view this list.


