Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | Medicare AdvantageFebruary 1, 2024
Update: Your requests for additional information will be sent digitally in February
Beginning in February 2024, we will notify you through your Attachments Dashboard when we need medical records, itemized bills, or other documents required to process our member’s claims.
When your organization registered to use the Medical Attachments application through Availity Essentials, you also registered to receive digital notifications through that application. This makes it possible for us to notify you digitally when we need documents to process your claim.
Digital Request for Additional Information (Digital RFAI) is 50% faster than returning documentation and itemized bills any other way — making it the most efficient way to receive and return information.* Digital RFAI also eliminates the guess work associated with claim documentation by sending you a notification that tells you exactly what is needed. Notifications arrive daily on your Attachments Dashboard on so there is no need to key-in claims information to attach documents.
Be ready — Take an on-demand or live learning session
In collaboration with Availity, we’ve developed a precheck program for your organization’s Availity administrators to ensure your Medical Attachment registration is complete and that you are prepared for Digital RFAI.
It is very important that your Availity administrators use this link to register to view the live training on-demand.
For associates who are responsible for sending attachments, we’ve developed an enhanced training session that walks through the Attachments Dashboard and many of the unique features that make it most efficient.
Availity users with the Medical Attachments and Claims Status role assignment should use this link to register to view the live training on-demand.
Resources available
For additional resources, contact your provider relationship management representative.
* Internal post-launch phase one survey. June 2022.
Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield is the trade name of Anthem Health Plans of Maine, Inc. Independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association. Anthem is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc.
PUBLICATIONS: February 2024 Provider Newsletter
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