Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield | Medicare AdvantageDecember 1, 2021
Good news: Non-payment remittance advice enhancements are here
We have enhanced your ability to search, review, and download a copy of the remittance advice on Availity* when there is not an associated payment. For remit advice with payment, you can continue to search with the Check/EFT number.
Below are images reflecting the scenarios that have been enhanced:
Paper remittance
Electronic remittance advice (ERA/835)
What has changed?
- Non-payment number display in the Check Number and Check/EFT Number fields:
- Old — There were two sets of numbers for the same remittance advice. The paper remittance displayed 10 bytes (9999999999 or 99########) and the corresponding 835 (ERA) displayed 27 bytes (9999999999 — [year] #############).
- Enhancement — The updated numbering sequence for the paper remittance and corresponding 835 (ERA) now contain the same 10-digit number beginning with 9 (9XXXXXXXXX). Each non-payment remittance issued will be assigned a unique number.
- Searching for non-payment remittance:
- Old — When using Remit Inquiry to locate paper remittance, the search field required a date range and tax ID to locate a specific remittance due to same number scenario (10 bytes (9999999999) being used for every non-payment remittance.
- Enhancement — Once the unique ERA non-payment remittance number is available, it can be entered in the check number field in Remit Inquiry. This new way of assigning check numbers provides a faster and simplified process to find the specific remittance.
The way your organization receives remittances and payments has not changed; we have simply enhanced the numbering for the non-pay remittances. These changes do not impact previously issued non-payment remittance advice.
PUBLICATIONS: December 2021 Anthem Maine Provider News
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