MedicaidSeptember 1, 2024
New Notification of Pregnancy form is available
Anthem is excited to share that the Kentucky Department for Medicaid Services has recently developed a standardized Kentucky Department for Medicaid Services Notification of Pregnancy form. Timely pregnancy notifications improve outcomes and optimize total Medicaid benefits for pregnant members.
Care providers should complete this form when a member has a positive pregnancy test. This information will provide Anthem with important details about the member’s conditions that are not easily gathered from claims alone. The information you provide on the form, as well as the health information that we are able to leverage via claims and authorizations, will allow Anthem to better identify pregnant members with high-risk factors so that we can provide timely and comprehensive care management.
The Kentucky Department for Medicaid Services Notification of Pregnancy form is available on the provider website at > Resources > Forms > Pregnancy and Maternal Child Services.
This new form replaces any existing pregnancy notification form you are currently using.
Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Medicaid is the trade name of Anthem Kentucky Managed Care Plan, Inc., independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association. Anthem is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc.
PUBLICATIONS: September 2024 Provider Newsletter
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